How The Flash Will Try To Stop That Big Death From Happening

Warning: MAJOR spoilers ahead for The Flash, stop reading now if you aren't up to date on the Scarlet Speedster's latest adventures!
Life comes at you pretty fast, and when you're the Scarlet Speedster that problem only becomes more pronounced. Barry Allen has had to deal with a ton of heartache and tragedy over the course of his three years as The Flash, but now the character even has to contend with the knowledge that Savitar will kill the love of his life by the time May rolls around. That said, The Flash executive producer Andrew Kreisberg recently revealed that not all hope is lost, and Barry may have a plan to save Iris once the next episode premieres. Kreisberg explained:
In an upcoming episode, they learn a little bit more about the future and they now have a list of things they know will occur between now and May. Their operating principle is can they stop enough of these things to change time? They have a little bit of a road map. It reminds me of Oliver's list. They've got a mission every week to see if they can change the future.
Andrew Kreisberg recently spoke to EW about the latter half of The Flash's third season and laid out that basic structure for how Barry Allen is going to try to save Iris. As Team Flash begins to slowly but steadily learn new information about how the next six months will play out, they will manage to develop a "road map" comprised of particular tent pole moments that they will try to change. Rather than undergo one enormous rescue mission, the team will try to make many minor alterations to the timeline to knock Iris' death out of the timestream. This will give each episode a specific purpose and a specific structure -- not unlike Oliver Queen's mission to right his father's wrongs during the first season of Arrow.
Of course, if Barry Allen wants to create a road map to try and save Iris West, he should consult Oliver Queen first. If Oliver has learned one thing this year, it's the fact that his work with the list only led to trouble. Just like picking off people on Robert Queen's list resulted in the creation of Prometheus, creating a timeline map to beat Savitar could potentially alter the future in unforeseen ways. Barry may still manage to save Iris this season, but the decision may ultimately lead to the death of someone else close to him.
We will just have to wait and see how Barry's scheme to save Iris works out when The Flash returns from its midseason break on Tuesday, January 24 at 8 p.m. EST on The CW. For more information related to all of the most highly anticipated spring television debuts, make sure to check out our comprehensive midseason premiere guide and fill out your TV viewing schedules accordingly!
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Originally from Connecticut, Conner grew up in San Diego and graduated from Chapman University in 2014. He now lives in Los Angeles working in and around the entertainment industry and can mostly be found binging horror movies and chugging coffee.