Being a comic book TV show, Arrow has featured lots of classic characters in its five seasons on the CW. The Green Arrow has met all manner of heroes and villains, some more memorable than others, and it's excellent for everyone that one of the best is definitely coming back in Season 6. Yes, Manu Bennett's Deathstroke will return for Season 6 of Arrow, and he won't be alone. Apparently, a mysterious Season 1 character is also set to make an appearance in the new season. As
I can report that Manu Bennett is back to being a part of the show and I think we will see him multiple times this year, which is awesome. . . . We have somebody returning to the show this year that we have not seen since Season 1.
Stephen Amell was gabbing on during an appearance at Heroes and Villains Fan Fest when he dished on these superb new Season 6 details for the gathered crowd of fans. Amell revealed that Manu Bennett's return as Slade Wilson, a.k.a. Deathstroke, in the final episodes of Season 5 was not the last that we'll see from the fan favorite sometimes-villain. It looks like even a giant explosion demolishing an entire island isn't enough to take down Slade Wilson. If Amell is to be believed, Deathstroke will show up "multiple times" in the new season, so he'll probably have a lot to get into.
This is great news for Arrow fans, of course. Deathstroke was a highlight of the earlier years, and is widely considered the show's greatest antagonist. Slade originally met Oliver on Lian Yu, where the two of them became quick friends and allies, as the former taught the latter how to fight, but they soon became enemies after Slade was driven to madness by a super serum called Mirakuru. He was later left in a jail cell on Lian Yu at the end of Season 2, which is where he remained until Oliver recruited him to defeat Prometheus in Season 5. Season 6 will possibly see the two of them return to being quasi-allies, further exploring their weird mentor-pupil relationship. And since Oliver gave Slade some new information about his son, that will almost definitely serve as a narrative avenue.
Stephen Amell also revealed at Heroes and Villains Fan Fest (via Heroic Hollywood) that another old character would be returning for Season 6. Fortunately for speculation-lovers, Amell didn't divulge the identity of the character but he did tease that it was someone that hasn't been seen since Season 1. I'm a Day 1 Arrow viewer, but I'm drawing a bit of a blank as to who this could be without any hints to the size of the role. Tommy Merlyn is the first to come to mind, but he's been seen in flashbacks in later seasons, so Amell would have to be speaking metaphorically if that was the case. While Tommy is technically dead, death has never gotten in Arrow's way before when it wanted to bring a character back.
If you guys have any fantastic guesses for where you think Deathstroke's story is going, or who else might show up when the show returns, let us know in the comments. Arrow Season 6 premieres on Thursday, October 12, at 9 p.m. EST on the CW. To keep up to date on all the hot TV shows airing this summer, make sure to check out our summer TV premiere guide.
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Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.