Why Chicago P.D. Shockingly Killed That Major Character In The Finale
Major spoilers below for the Season 5 finale of Chicago P.D.
In the penultimate episode of Chicago P.D.'s fifth season, Kevin Bingham's murder case took a swift turn as Olinsky was charged with the crime, despite only having moved the body after the fact. That episode set up the finale's shocker when Olinsky was stabbed several times by a fellow inmate, and though many fans probably thought he would pull through, "Homecoming" confirmed pretty early on that Olinsky died from his injuries. Executive producer Rick Eid revealed how and why he and the other writers decided to cap Season 5 off by taking out a major player.
To say that justice was served in all of this mess would be stretching the truth a bit, but it does seem like Voight might actually be fully in the clear now. The investigation into Olinsky's stabbing revealed it to be about revenge -- go figure -- and Voight ended up killing the person who called for the prison hit. It was obviously important for Voight to tie up any and all loose ends, even if that witness-surrounded shooting might come back to bite him, and his name was eventually cleared for Bingham's murder. (Though he had to get Denny eyed for witness tampering to do so, after already getting too talky with him.) Beyond his own self-preservation, though, Voight definitely owed Olinsky for knowingly taking the fall there.
And as Rick Eid put it to EW, they thought it was an interesting way to take things, and having loyalty serve as a foundation for a death is certainly a memorable way to take out a main character on a show like this. In Eid's words:
Elias Koteas, who also made cameos on Chicago M.D. over the years, first appeared as Alvin Olinsky in Chicago Fire's second season, and he's been a part of the P.D. unit since it first hit NBC in 2014. And given that all three Chicago shows were given renewals ahead of the finale, it seemed likely that Olinsky would still be healing from his injuries when Season 6 kicked off. But even though Rick Eid says he and the creative team pitched every possible outcome and iteration for how this story could end, Olinsky's death inevitably felt like the best call.
Head to the next page to see what Rick Eid has to say about how the finale's tragic moments could affect Season 6.
While Voight technically did get away with his own vengeful murder, "Homecoming" proved that if you try to sweep too much under the rug, the rug won't be able to cover it all. And when Rick Eid was asked if the writers knew that Voight was going to end up paying for his crimes one way or another, here's what he said.
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Voight isn't a guy who moves on from situations very easily. Even though his job is mostly done as far as Bingham and Olinsky go, I will assume he had to build an entirely new closet to hold all these additional skeletons.
How will this all affect the Chicago P.D. team as a whole? In Eid's words:
For now, Chicago P.D. is on its hiatus, so fans will have to mourn Olinsky's death while watching reruns and waiting for Season 6 to show up this fall. (Hopefully the show doesn't lose more cast members soon.) In the meantime, our summer premiere schedule will clue you in on shows that can take your mind off Chicago P.D.'s shocking conclusion.
Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper. Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.