Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers: Who's Head Of Household And Who Got Nominated

A houseguest left, a houseguest returned. And after the live episode ended, a new Head of Household was crowned. We have the spoilers on who won this week's Head of Household competition and who they nominated. Read no further if you don't want to know what's going on in the Big Brother house!
Head of Household
Won the Veto?
Not played yet.
As we saw on Thursday night's episode, Fessy was evicted and Scottie won the Battle Back competition, sending himself back in the house as Fessy headed off to jury with Bayleigh and Rockstar. If the math is a factor, Scottie's return to the Big Brother house likely wouldn't have been possible had Kaitlyn managed to complete her bonus life puzzle. Since the season was short one houseguest, a returner was presumably necessary to even things out as we near the finale, which is less than a month away.
Late Thursday night, the remaining houseguests (excluding outgoing Head of Household, Angela) competed in an endurance competition. Big Brother revived the standing carousel comp, which has the houseguests standing atop small perches beneath a rotating wheel. The last man or woman standing wins. It came down to Tyler and Haleigh in the end. If Tyler was considering throwing the competition, he likely threw that plan out the window once he was facing off against Haleigh. Eventually, she hit the pie-shaped blocker that slammed against the houseguests as they turned and fell, crowning Tyler the winner of Head of Household for the week.
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It should come as no surprise is that Tyler put Scottie and Haleigh up on Friday. Level 6 has been chipping away at their dwindling side of the house and they appear to be staying the course. Tyler had conversations with both of them, and I don't think he outright told either of them they were going up, but he didn't promise them otherwise.
At this point, it's unclear who the target is, as there are good reasons to send both of them out. Tyler might prefer to get Haleigh out over Scottie, considering he and Scottie are on decent terms and could probably work together if necessary. But he might not push back hard if the rest of his alliance and JC decide they want Scottie to go.
Of course, there's also the Veto to consider. If Haleigh or Scottie wins it, the decision of who to send out will be made for them. Tyler will most likely put up a pawn next to whichever one doesn't win and they'll be sent packing.
There's not much else to report right now. As it stands, things are going pretty predictably. It's hard to imagine anything major will transpire that would turn Level 6 (+Sam, +JC) against one another this week, which means we're just waiting for the inevitable. I kind of want to get this week over with, as the home stretch of this season stands to get really interesting once Tyler's side of the house has to turn on one another. That probably won't happen until they're out of other options. This week, they have two easy targets to choose from.
We'll have an update this weekend once the Veto competition plays out.
Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.