Wendy Williams Explained Why Her Talk Show Hiatus Lasted So Long

wendy williams

After months of being away from the spotlight on her same-named talk show, host Wendy Williams finally returned to the faithful viewers of The Wendy Williams Show, ending the recent string of guest hosts that included Nick Cannon and Keke Palmer. To be expected, Williams kicked things off by declaring herself a "Hot Topic" before offering an explanation for her extended hiatus. According to Williams, it was all about health issues.

What had happened was we were supposed to only be off two weeks for Christmas vacation. At towards the end of those weeks, I started to feel thyroid-ish. They’re still adjusting my meds, and if you don’t know about thyroid disease, it’s a lifetime thing, and they’re always adjusting and always doing stuff. It can really screw you over. So they’re adjusting my thyroid meds, and then the eyeball’s attached to the thyroid, which is my Grave’s disease. And then you know, I always have an equilibrium thing with my vertigo and a million other things.

To be sure, Wendy Williams did more than just wax on about her health when stepping back onto her talk show stage on Monday, March 4. Standing before an enthusiastic audience applauding her return, Williams was visibly taken aback, and she had to take a few deep breaths to hold back some tear flow.

The 54-year-old host was also rocking a blonde bob hairdo, along with a black zip-up top that showed off abundant cleavage, and it wasn't apparent in the least that she'd been gone for so long. For the most part, Williams didn't miss a step in her return, and it appears as if taking the time to focus on her mental and physical health was a good move.

She didn't so much talk about her fractured shoulder or her pain medication intake that derailed some of her past episodes, but here, she talks about spending time at home with her family, husband Kevin Hunter and son Kevin Hunter Jr.

We’re spending time as a family, the Hunters. You know, I’m Wendy Hunter. I just wanted to take some time for myself. I am my own best friend. You know that, I’ve told you that forever. When you get into yourself, you are your own best friend. So I’m at home, I’m taking my thyroid meds, I am meditating. Oh, believe me you, I’m going to the gym seven days a week for two hours a day. Believe me you, I don't know how this outfit is reading on TV, but mother has not gained a pound.

As many fans are aware, Wendy Williams has been at the center of quite a few rumors in recent months that were more tied to her personal life than her work life. Back in December, Williams worked to shut down claims that hubby Kevin Hunter had impregnated an alleged mistress he'd had for upwards of a decade, though rumors persisted that Hunter and the woman, identified as Sharina Hudson, had maintained their relationship.

Not to mention other more disturbing rumors that have been floating for many years concerning Kevin Hunter's alleged abusive nature towards Williams and others. The host appeared to brush off all of those rumors by saying that she is "still wearing my ring" and that "it ain't going anywhere – not in this lifetime." Williams' explanations seemed to work well enough within the studio, but many viewers on social media were not to quick to let things get smoothed over.

Tweets like the one below were plentiful during the episode's airing.

In Williams' absence, The Wendy Williams Show has seen quite a few guest hosts popping in to keep the daily audience entertained. At one point, Williams reportedly got nervous about just how well guests hosts like Nick Cannon and Jerry O'Connell were doing in her place, which likely would have inspired her to return to TV as soon as she was able to.

Wendy Williams, who had collapsed on the air and also had to take a brief hiatus in early 2018 supposedly tied to her Graves' disease diagnosis, doesn't sound like she aims to have any further impromptu vacations in the future. In her words:

I'm sorry it took me almost 40 or 50 days. I know it's been a long time. I'm sorry! I have to say, it's not going to happen anymore, and I feel good.

The Wendy Williams Show airs weekday mornings in syndication, so be sure to check your local listings to see when and where it plays in your area.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.