The Walking Dead's 'Scars' Will Finally Reveal What Happened Before Time Jump

Spoilers below for the most recent episodes of The Walking Dead Season 9.
The Walking Dead Season 9 is finally ready to fill in some of the time jump blanks. The March 17 episode is called "Scars." Combine that with AMC's synopsis and new photos showing a pregnant Michonne (Danai Gurira), and it sounds like we're getting some flashbacks. At least one of those flashbacks should reveal how Michonne and Daryl (Norman Reedus) got those back X scars.
Here's the synopsis for Season 9, Episode 14, "Scars":
An outsider's arrival forces Alexandria to rehash devastating old wounds; eye-opening secrets from the past are revealed.
The outsider is apparently Lydia, and it's already clear from an episode sneak peek that Michonne is not happy to see her in Alexandria. We know a lot went down in all of the communities in the six years since Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) went missing and was presumed by everyone except the audience to be dead. Another "Scars" sneak peek showed Judith asking Daryl "What would my dad do?" and she probably didn't mean Shane. That might lead Daryl down his own memory lane flashback, but we'll have to see. It's just nice to know Daryl and Little Ass-Kicker will spend more time together.
AMC's official "Scars" promo didn't show pregnant Michonne, but photos from the episode show her pregnant (and wearing Rick's jacket?), presumably when she's pregnant with their son RJ:
This additional photo from Twitter shows Michonne is heavily pregnant as of the time of this presumed flashback scene:
Does this mean Michonne got the scars while she was pregnant, or will modern-day Michonne perhaps flashback in her memories to multiple timelines within the six-year gap?
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We know Alexandria became estranged from other communities at some point, and both Daryl and Michonne (and whoever else) got scars on their backs in the same location, looking like this:
Showrunner Angela Kang spoke with CinemaBlend a few months ago, and she promised the story of the scars would be coming this season:
So, the scars. Clearly, our group has been through some stuff in the six years that we've jumped. I will say that within the back half, we will start to learn more about what the story was. There will be an answer for the audience in terms of what was the origin of these scars and what kind of led Alexandria a bit down the path that it's been on. It's what's exciting about the six year gap is there's some opportunities to play with time and maybe see some of what that story was in the future.
It does sound like we're about to learn more of that story and "play with time" here in the episode called "Scars."
The Walking Dead only has 16 episodes to each season, so there are only three left, including "Scars." Fans have been curious about what happened ever since Rick Grimes was rescued by Anne/Jadis in that helicopter and then time jumped forward six years in the November 2018 Episode 5, "What Comes After."
It would be nice to see Maggie again, if we're flashing back to the time before she and baby Hershel left. But with Lauren Cohan on Whiskey Cavalier, it doesn't sound like she'll be featured in "Scars," and we may need to wait for Season 10 to get the full picture of her story. But that doesn't mean we couldn't hear more about what Maggie did over at Hilltop during that time period.
The Walking Dead also has to make time for Beta to track down Daryl (and Lydia) after that big brawl, and to see what else may come from the fair and the new Highwaymen. There's a lot to get through this season -- including possibly setting Michonne up for her own Season 10 exit. We can only hope this next episode comes with A LOT of answers on the past six years, not just a few.
The Walking Dead Season 9 continues Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on AMC, as one of the many shows now airing in midseason 2019.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.