Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Is The 2019 Twist That Houseguest Pairs Know Each Other?

Is Big Brother 21 giving us a new twist on the Big Brother 6 twist? Fans have sleuthed that some pairs of 2019 houseguests may already know each other. At least one of the pre-season connections is 100%. Big Brother Season 21 premieres with a summer camp theme this Tuesday, June 25 on CBS, and maybe that's when Julie Chen will reveal a twist to the season connecting the pairs.
If it's not part of a twist ... it's kind of an unfair advantage. Not that Big Brother really cares about fair. It's just hard to imagine they didn't know about any connections before casting.
In Big Brother 6, back in 2005, every houseguest had a secret partner in the game, someone they had a pre-existing relationship with in one form or another.
After the Big Brother 21 cast was revealed on June 17, fans started piecing some things together. The most obvious connection is between Christie and Tommy, since there are social media posts tying them, and Christie reportedly dated Tommy's aunt:
If other reports out there can be believed, Christie was part of Tommy's extended family for a long time:
There's also talk that Kathryn and Holly might know each other, and maybe a college connection between Jackson and Ovi. There was talk of maybe a tie between Bella and Jack, but that one seems to be the biggest stretch. (Holly also previously dated The Bachelorette's Luke Pell, but that's a whole other connection.)
Some Big Brother fans think the show wouldn't do another pairs twist, but they did the twin twist more than once, so why not? If not, then it would be strange to just have Christie and Tommy know each other and no one else. Yeah, they've had relatives on the show before, but this wouldn't even qualify -- it's not like twins, or sisters like Morgan/Alex in Big Brother: Over the Top.
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There are always rumors before a season of Big Brother, and before the 2019 cast was announced, there was talk that the producers were considering a season where eight houseguests -- half the cast -- were returning players. There was even talk of having a showmance theme, bringing back some houseguests who are still together (like Haleigh and Fessy). It's possible some of that idea carried over into the final cast for BB21, with a few connections still to be revealed?
That's all speculation. Some fans joked that The Powers The Be might want to shake things up again, now that fans have noticed the connections:
It will probably take Big Brother 21 fans a couple of episodes to get used to everyone on the show, whether more HGs already know each other or not. Here's the full cast lineup:
• Analyse Talavera, 22, College Soccer Star, Simi Valley, California• Christie Murphy, 28, Boutique owner, Keyport, New Jersey• Cliff Hogg III, 53, Petroleum engineer, Houston, Texas• David Alexander, 29, Photographer, Atlanta, Georgia• Holly Allen, 31, Wine safari guide, Los Angeles• Isabella Wang, 22, Public health analyst, Los Angeles• Jack Matthews, 28, Fitness trainer, Tampa, Florida• Jackson Michie, 24, Server, Los Angeles, California• Jessica Milagros, around 30, Plus-size model, Oak Park, Illinois• Kathryn Dunn, 29, Digital marketing executive, Dallas, Texas• Kemi Fakunle, 25, Marketing strategist, Brooklyn, New York• Nick Maccarone, 27, Therapist, Sewell, New Jersey• Nicole Anthony, 24 Preschool aide, Long Island, New York• Ovi Kabir, 22, College student, Knoxville, Tennessee• Sam Smith, 31, Truck driver, Mountain Top, Pennsylvania• Tommy Bracco, 28, Broadway dancer, Staten Island, New York
The Big Brother 21 houseguests are already inside the summer camp-decorated house. The 2019 season has a funky schedule for the first couple of weeks, airing Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays until ultimately returning to the usual Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday schedule. It all begins Tuesday, June 25 at 8 p.m. on CBS. Sign up for the live feeds at, if you want to follow along in real-time after the premiere. Here are more shows to keep an eye on during summer 2019.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.