Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Kathryn Is Already Threatening To Quit Before First Eviction

Spoilers from the Big Brother 2019 live feeds ahead.
UPDATE: Kathryn did not quit, although she did do a lot of paranoid complaining, asking "are you bitches conspiring against me?" Instead, Ovi was evicted Wednesday, July 3 by a unanimous vote of 12-0. However! That was not the end of his story. That perfect 10 Julie Chen revealed the Camp Comeback twist. For the first time, the evicted houseguests will not be leaving the Big Brother house. They will continue to live in the house as members of Camp Comeback. Camp Comeback members are out of the game. They won't participate in challenges or ceremonies, and they won't vote. They will, however, have not-so-great conditions upstairs. They'll continue to play the social game with each other. One of the first four evicted houseguests will get to return to the game. So it's like a jury buyback, or like the Survivor: Edge of Extinction twist.
Original post:
Well, this is sad. I'm still intrigued and anxious about the shifting Big Brother 21 targets, but frustrated with Kathryn Dunn for already wanting to self-evict. Girl, the show has only aired for a week.
Every summer at least one Big Brother houseguest talks about walking out. Most of the time they don't actually quit (or get expelled). Kathryn probably won't quit either, but it definitely looked close for a minute.
Here's the quick recap from the live feeds: Christie -- the one who already knows Broadway Tommy -- is the first Head of Household. She initially nominated Cliff and Kathryn for eviction. Kathryn was never the target but she immediately got paranoid and starting freaking out. Kemi was actually the backdoor target, but Christie got nervous and backed off from that. Sam won the Power of Veto competition, which was held on Thursday. Christie originally wanted Sam to take Cliff off the block so she could put up Kemi. Then Christie changed her mind on backdooring Kemi. But Sam is tight with Cliff and already told Cliff he'd take him off the block.
So on Sunday, during the Veto ceremony, Sam took Cliff off the block, and Christie replaced Cliff with Ovi. Ovi apparently rubs some people in the house the wrong way. Christie and Sam (and some others) would prefer to vote out Jack but they don't think they have the votes yet. So the house appears to be evicting Ovi -- even with his new power.
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Long story short -- Kathryn will be staying on the block until Wednesday's first live eviction of the season. Unless she quits.
Before the Veto meeting, Jessica had a conversation with Kathryn explaining that, if Sam used the Veto, Christie didn't plan to put Kemi up anymore. She'd put Ovi up. Jessica emphasized that if/when it was Kathryn vs. Ovi on eviction night, all the girls would vote to keep Kathryn. Kat responded by saying she just wants to go home. She even hinted to not being allowed to self-evict:
Houseguests tried to talk Kathryn off the ledge and it appeared to work. As of Tuesday, she doesn't seem to want to quit anymore, and she and Ovi have both been campaigning to stay. Jackson/Michie wouldn't mind Kat leaving, since he apparently hooked up with her multiple times early in the game but doesn't want to be that close to her anymore. He seems to be more into Holly at the moment. (Jack and Analyse are/were a thing, apparently.)
Honestly, though, if I were in that house, I'd want Kat gone. You can't trust her to stay strong in a Week 1 pawn situation, you probably can't trust her to do much of anything else.
As you know, Big Brother 21 is on a wonky schedule for a second week. The premiere was on a Tuesday night, followed by Wednesday, Sunday, and back to Tuesday. On Wednesday we're supposed to get the first live eviction and also "something that has never happened before on Big Brother."
Will banished David have to face-off with the first evicted houseguest to return to the game? I'm only speculating, but if that happens, I really wish David would be facing Kathryn. She might even just let him have it. But it would be Ovi.
Big Brother Season 21 continues Sunday, June 30 at 8 p.m. on CBS. Watch the live feeds to see the drama play out in real-time.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.