Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Spoilers: Who Won The Veto?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
Big Brother 21 has a comp beast on its hands, for better or worse. Sam Smith won the first Power of Veto competition of the 2019 season, and the live feeds just showed he also won the second Veto. If I were him, I'd hold back a bit from here -- especially since he doesn't seem to have a real stake in what's happening. Why put a target on yourself this early in the game?
The second PoV competition of BB21 was held Saturday, July 6. The Veto players were Jack, Jess, Kemi, Bella, Jackson and Sam. Apparently there was a Fiji prize in play in this POV, and it sounds like Sam won that too. We should see that comp in Wednesday's episode. The PoV ceremony will most likely be held Monday, per usual, and Sam will most likely NOT use the Veto. Unlike last week.
Wednesday's episode ended with Jack Matthews as the second Head of Household of Big Brother 21, after Christie Murphy. He has already nominated Jessica Milagros and Kemi Fakunle for eviction. Kemi was Jack's target, but some houseguests are also frustrated with Jess.
Kemi was also Christie's target -- I'm not a fan of this trend, but that's what's up -- but Christie changed her mind. The situation was different last week, though, because Cliff Hogg III was on the block and Sam promised to use the Veto to take him off the block. So Christie was forced to come up with a replacement nominee. She chose Ovi Kabir, makign Ovi the first evicted houseguest. Now Ovi has joined David Alexander at Camp Comeback.
Will Kemi now join David and Ovi as the third resident of Camp Comeback? It still seems to be leaning that way, but there's a long time until Thursday's live eviction.
Jessica has rubbed some people the wrong way, and she's getting blamed for wanting to start a "woman's alliance." Someone gets blamed for that idea every season, even though no all-women's alliance has ever really survived. Meanwhile, no one ever calls out the guys for OBVIOUSLY having their own alliances. Those alliances do tend to survive. (See The Brigade.)
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The second Whacktivity Competition -- the Chaos competition -- was held on Friday, but it's not clear as of Saturday afternoon who won or what power they received. (UPDATE: The Sunday, July 7 episode revealed Jack - ugh - won the Chaos competition. He has the power to force a new Veto player draw. The power is good until there are six people left in the game. It's a very long-lasting power. It may not sound that powerful, but Jack is the kind of houseguest people will try to backdoor, and this will help give him a better chance to avoid that and save himself.)
Big Brother Season 21 continues Sunday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS. Watch everything play out on the live feeds at CBS.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.