Big Brother Spoilers: Nick And Bella Are In For A Glorious Blindside

Big Brother 21 Nick and Bella sitting in bed CBS

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.

Something good is about to happen on Big Brother 21. Finally. The 2019 season has been ugly, but there's hope on the horizon, and it starts this Thursday, July 18. The live show is poised for two big events:

• Nick and Bella are set for a live eviction blindside. They think Nicole is leaving, but it's currently looking like Cliff. Sorry, Cliff, but it's for the greater good.

• Whoever returns from Camp Comeback is one of the good guys and will possibly/likely turn on Gr8ful. Will the evil be defeated?

Nick Maccarone is the Week 3 Head of Household. He initially nominated Jessica Milagros and Cliff Hogg III for eviction. When my underrated queen Kathryn Dunn won the Power of Veto, she took Jess off the block. HoH Nick nominated Nicole Anthony in Jess' place. Nick wants to backdoor Nicole and get her out the door.

However, Christie Murphy and the rest of her alliance -- and yes I do think of them that way, she seems to be running this -- don't want to get rid of Nicole. Nicole is someone they see a future with (please, no, Nicole) and if she wants to take a shot at Nick and Isabella Wang, go for it. Let her do their dirty work.

Christie won the Whacktivity comp Panic power, which is the Diamond Power of Veto. Jack Matthews won the Chaos power, which forces a Veto redraw. Ovi Kabir won the Nightmare power, and he can wake up the house and call a new Nomination Ceremony. So if Ovi returns from Camp Comeback, it's already understood that he'll be bringing in that power. Ovi already told Jack and Jackson Michie he had the power, before he was even evicted. Christie's power is also well known throughout the house. She's using it as a Don't Fuck With Me shield.

Gr8ful seems to finally recognize Sam Smith as a threat after his two PoV comp wins, and since he's close with Nick, they want Sam out to break up that duo. There's debate over who to target first -- Sam, Nick, or Bella. Whoever returns from Camp Comeback might finally target Jack and Jackson. I'm fine with any of it.

For the first time this season, I'm excited to see what happens next. I can't wait to see who returns from Camp Comeback -- David Alexander, Ovi, Kemi Fakunle, or Cliff (if Cliff is indeed the one evicted).

Then we'll have the next HoH competition, which should be interesting. Nick will have to just sit back and watch, but Bella will be gunning for a win. By then she'll realize most of the house lied to her about who they planned to evict. I would love to see Kemi return to face Bella after their fight, and call everyone out. But I'd be happy to see David or Ovi back in the game as well. (Cliff, I love you, but I'd like you to go.)

Do you think we'll get our first endurance comp this Thursday? That would be the cherry on top of the cake. Maybe this season can be salvaged after all. Not saying my hopes are too high, but we'll see.

I hope Nick and Bella don't get wind of the Cliff eviction plan, but that's always possible. Also, since it's still only Wednesday morning as I write this, the plan could flip and Nicole could actually be evicted. That would suck, but we always have to (wait for it) expect the unexpected on Big Brother.

Big Brother airs at 8 p.m. Sundays, but with Love Island now playing during the week, Big Brother airs at 9 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday on CBS. Watch the drama play out in real-life via CBS' live feeds.

Gina Carbone

Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.