Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Endurance HOH, Who Was Nominated?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
Pumped for a potentially lackluster week on Big Brother 21? We do have some hope on the horizon, since 1) Christie Murphy and Tommy Bracco won the poison ivy punishment, and I'm not sorry to see them punished; and 2) there's a field trip this week for three houseguests, leaving one player in jeopardy. We get to vote on that, but not yet.
The first endurance Head of Household competition of the 2019 season wasn't a wall comp, unfortunately. I feel like Nicole Anthony would've been good at that. Instead, the houseguests balanced on stirrups for a comp called "Pose in Ivy." The competition started toward the end of the live show on Thursday, July 25, 2019 and continued for over two hours after that.
After Nicole, Jessica Milagros, Sam Smith, and Nick Maccarone dropped, it was basically a done deal for The Six Shooters to control the house (again) this week.
It came down to three people in The Six Shooters alliance -- Analyse Talavera, Holly Allen, and Jackson Michie -- plus Kathryn Dunn, who is basically working with them. She is tight with the couples, especially Holly. (FYI, Jackson peed during the comp, which was shown on the live feeds, as if he wasn't gross enough.)
Jackson fell next, and then -- sadly -- we lost Kat. (I was really hoping Kat would win HOH. Jackson would have to kiss her ass all week, and Brett from BB20 might even write her an HOH letter.)
It came down to Sis vs. Holly -- Jack's showmance mate vs. Jackson's showmance mate. They both did impressive jobs up there. Sis fell and Holly is the Week 5 HOH.
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The Nomination Ceremony was held on Friday afternoon. Holly nominated Sam and Nick for eviction. UPDATE: The Power of Veto competition was held Saturday, and here are the results. Not sure if it's good or bad news yet.
That was the easy choice for The Six Shooters. When the live feeds returned early Friday, Holly did say her first thought was to nominate Nick plus a pawn, but Christie, Jackson and others were pushing for both Sam and Nick on the block. Sam keeps getting picked for Veto, and if he's not on the block and wins Veto, he would pull Nick down, and then they don't get either guy out. They want at least Nick or Sam to leave.
Kat offered herself to Holly as a potential Veto replacement pawn, if either Sam or Nick come down. That way she can continue to waste her game working with The Six Shooters while pretending to support The Other Side Of The House.
Is there any chance Holly will make a bigger move and target someone else -- like Jack or Christie? They are in her alliance, so it seems like a long-shot ... but if Holly wants to break out with her own major resumé-building game move, she could try to surprise us all with a major backdoor blindside. Don't count on it, but theoretically it's possible.
Christie promised safety to last week's HoH Cliff, but she could always throw her hands up and say she has no control over what Holly does. That was always the risk Cliff was taking by letting Christie keep her power, backdooring her target in Bella, and believing her vague promises of safety.
So Christie very likely gets to keep her power until next week. Jack won't be targeted, for any one of the many reasons that would make sense. And Michie doesn't even look like he's going to face any repercussions for eating normal food last week when he was supposed to be a Have-Not on slop. Sigh.
The Power of Veto competition could change things on Saturday, though, so stay tuned. The Veto Ceremony will be held on Monday, with the live eviction on Thursday, August 1, 2019.
Big Brother airs at 8 p.m. Sundays, but with Love Island now playing during the week, Big Brother airs at 9 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday on CBS. Watch the live feeds yourself at CBS.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.