Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won The Veto And Will It Be Used?

Big Brother 2019 Jess won the Power of Veto CBS

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.

It's official: Jessica Milagros is the Big Brother 21 queen we needed and deserved and we all owe her an apology for not believing in her. LOVE that she's basically proving to everyone in the house, and viewers at home, what it looks like to be an underestimated underdog.

Long story short, Jess not only won Head of Household after Thursday's live show, she just won the Power of Veto on Saturday. She nominated controversial houseguests Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie for eviction. She has said she wants to keep the nominations the same. Christie Murphy still has her power for just this one week ... but Christie told Jess she wouldn't use it on Monday. Will that stay the case? We shall see on Monday, when the Veto Ceremony is held. We've seen how paranoid she gets.

Here's what's fun: Jack is Jess' target, but it's going to be a close vote if she keeps the nominations the same. Eight houseguests will be voting Thursday, and it may be 4-4, with Jess sending home Jack if there's a tie. However, Christie is so sure that Jackson is the one being evicted that she doesn't seem interested in using her power. Besides, Jess as the Veto winner would get to choose the replacement. If Christie took Jack off the block, Jess could easily replace him with her BFF Tommy. Would she risk it?

Jess, Nicole Anthony, and Cliff Hogg III are the underdogs who want Jack out and they celebrated Jess' win after the Veto comp we'll see on Wednesday's show:

Kat Dunn seems to be voting with them, although the underdogs know Team Christie will push hard for Kat to evict Jackson, laying it on thick how badly Jackson has treated her all season.

The Veto players on Saturday were HoH Jess, nominees Jack and Jackson, plus Kat, Nick, and Tommy Bracco. Apparently Kat won a trip in the comp, but Jess is the one who won Veto. If she can manage to keep Christie calm enough to not use her power -- and Jack is actually evicted -- EPIC. If Jess manages that on her watch, she should absolutely dominate every favorite player poll. Which is not to say she should be picked for America's Field Trip. I am standing firm that we should only vote for houseguests we don't mind being punished. It's too much risk for the underdogs.

Big Brother Christie in front of memory wall CBS

With Jack or Jackson almost certain to leave this week -- unless there's a last minute change during the Veto Ceremony on Monday -- one of The Six Shooters will finally be defeated. But that doesn't mean that the house is completely broken up. It doesn't mean the rebel alliance has won. There's a lot of game ahead, and the assumption of a double eviction on the horizon.

I'm actually fine with either Jack or Jackson leaving, for personal and game reasons, but I'm not even sure how much it will shake up the house dynamic in either case. What will Christie do if Jack is indeed evicted? What about Tommy? They are both fast-talking survivors and I wouldn't put it past them to find a way to come out of this clean, with or without help from the field trip.

Big Brother Jackson and Jack nominated for eviction CBS

Remember, someone in the field trip trio is going to be safe from eviction, someone is going to be the third person put on the block, and someone is ... just going on a field trip. That vote ends this coming Friday, August 9, so it doesn't affect the Jackson/Jack vote.

What do you WANT to happen this week?

Big Brother airs at 8 p.m. Sundays, but with Love Island now playing during the week, Big Brother airs at 9 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday on CBS. Watch the live feeds yourself at CBS.

Gina Carbone

Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.