Big Brother Spoilers: Who Was Evicted, Jack Or Jackson?

Big Brother 21 Week 6 has its final nominees: Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie. Since I refuse to call Jackson by his last name, as they do on the show, it's the battle of the problematic Jacks.
UPDATE: Yep, Jack was evicted. Holly, Nicole, Cliff, Nick, Tommy, and Kat voted to evict Jack. Sis and Christie voted to evict Jackson Michie. (I'm surprised Christie stayed loyal.) #JackEvictionParty was trending on Twitter before and after the vote. After Jack was evicted, Julie Chen confronted him about some of his problematic comments in the house.
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Head of household Jessica Milagros has been a star. She not only nominated Jack and Jackson for eviction during Friday's Nomination Ceremony, she won the Power of Veto competition on Saturday. The Veto Ceremony was held on Monday afternoon. Christie Murphy did not use her power, for one because she already told Jess she wouldn't, but also because with Jess as the Veto winner, Jess would be the one naming the replacement nominee. So that power is now kaput. None of the Whacktivity Powers really did much, did they?
So Jess won every battle this week -- so far. And she kept the nominations the same. Jack or Jackson will be evicted on the live Big Brother 21 episode this Thursday, August 8 on CBS. Whoever it is will be the first member of the BB21 jury.
It will most likely be Jack. He is Jess' target. She does not want to have to break a tie, but there's debate on whether that might be necessary.
Eight houseguests can vote this week. Here's how it may shake out:
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There are a couple of houseguests who may waver. As of Monday, Jess was unsure about Nick. Nick is close to Jack. However, Nick is also close to Cliff and Nicole and doesn't want to hurt that connection. Nick would rather see Jackson leave, but he did say at one point he would do what Jess wanted. But will he? If he knows Jack is leaving anyway, why make waves -- unless he wants to keep an "in" on the other side of the house?
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If Nick votes to evict Jackson instead of Jack, that might force a tie and HoH Jess would still evict Jack. I say might, because you never know what else might happen. Christie and Tommy could smell blood in the water and decide to just go with what they figure to be the majority vote and vote to evict Jack. I was about to write that I doubt that -- because there has been WAY too much bad blood between Jackson and Christie -- but Christie even told Jess she would vote to evict Jack to help Jess avoid a tie. Christie just wants to be in the majority, but Tommy is right there with her.
Holly is Jackson's showmance and Sis is Jack's showmance, so they are expected to stick with their men. Nicole and Cliff are rock solid to evict Jack. From here, it does look like Jack is leaving, but I won't be shocked if the house flips -- and I REALLY won't be shocked if Big Brother edits the show to make it look like the house flips even if it doesn't. (Yes, I'm salty about getting my hopes up for a blindside last week. I love Kat even more than Sam but I'm all about a house flip.)
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Don't forget that we have the America's Field Trip vote until this Friday, after Jack (or Jackson) is evicted. Three houseguests will have some kind of competition. The winner is safe from the next eviction, the loser is put on the block as the third nominee. So that could mess with the next HoH's plans big-time. Also, if fans vote for Jack for this picnic and he's already gone, and they also vote for someone who becomes the next HoH, I'm worried that we'll end up punishing someone fans never meant to punish. Welcome to Big Brother, I suppose.
Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.