Yellowstone Spoilers: Neal McDonough's Malcolm Does The Unthinkable To The Dutton Family

Caution: Spoilers for the latest episode of Yellowstone, Season 2, Episode 7 (“Resurrection Day”), are discussed below.
The Duttons witnessed a lot of developments in the first half of Season 2, Episode 6, as change swept over the family. While everyone was trying to move forward, Neal McDonough’s Malcolm Beck had the unthinkable done to Beth (Kelly Reilly) towards the end of the episode. After a Yellowstone without her last week, Beth returned in “Resurrection Day.”
Early in the Yellowstone episode, Malcolm paid an ominous visit to Beth at her office. He expressed his displeasure with her father’s progress in shutting down Chief Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) and Dan Jenkins’ casino project. Beth assured him that her father was handling it and a verbal standoff ensued.
Malcolm issued a severe physical threat to Beth, which as Yellowstone wore on, seemed like it would come to nothing. However, this was after it was revealed that Malcolm had one of the workers from Thomas Rainwater’s casino murdered, inflicting a gruesome injury on the victim as well. This was a sign that Malcolm was capable of anything.
At first, I thought Yellowstone would have Malcolm’s threat against Beth play out in another episode. Then, Beth had that incredibly poignant scene with the love of her life, Rip (Cole Hauser). For those rooting for them, it was a welcome sight to see the two sharing a gentle bonding moment.
Beth appeared to be moved by what Rip shared about his family, and the two seemed to be edging ever-closer towards something. However, Beth told Rip to wait and not say that he loved her until it would save her. That was a foreboding sign.
At that moment, I knew that something terrible was going to happen to Beth. Why else would Yellowstone have her say that? It seemed to be a dark foreshadowing at what was to come, and it turned out to be exactly that.
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Malcolm sent two masked men to Beth’s office. Realizing what was coming, Beth grabbed a letter opener and texted Rip for help. She managed to stab one guy quite a few times, something that made a significant impact on her ordeal. In the end, though, Beth was beaten and possibly raped, while her assistant was murdered.
Throughout it all, Beth was insistent that she show the attackers none of her fear, and she managed to do that. Rip eventually arrived after an agonizing sequence of Beth being viciously assaulted. He killed both of the assailants and got shot in the process. Rip calmed Beth as they waited for John, and she eventually collapsed in his arms. He told her he loved her.
In the aftermath, Malcolm Beck was greeted by the dead bodies of both of the attackers he sent, courtesy of the Duttons. A paper message was attached to one of their bodies via knife. It read, “Return to Sender.” At the end of the episode, Kayce (Luke Grimes) walked out to talk to his father.
He asked what they were going to do about the Beck brothers. John (Kevin Costner) responded that they were going to kill them. Thus, setting the stage for another chapter of murder. The only question now is how it will all go down.
Malcolm Beck is not long for Yellowstone. Last week, John had realized that the Becks were behind killing a massive stock of his cattle, as previously speculated. He had suspected Dan Jenkins (Danny Huston) of the crime, but Kayce’s previous interrogation cleared him.
Will John Dutton ever get to focus on what he truly loves doing? Not any time soon. He, Kayce, and Rip will be out to bring down Malcolm Beck. How long can Malcolm hold out and who will be the one to bring about his demise?
Malcolm Beck has made a lot of enemies, who now include the Dutton family, Thomas Rainwater, and Dan Jenkins. Could an alliance form between them against the Becks? Maybe.
I also wanted to take a moment to herald the incredible performances of the cast in this episode. Everyone was truly breathtaking, as always. Kelly Reilly’s performance in this episode was superb. Throughout Yellowstone’s first two seasons, Reilly has brought so many layers to Beth Dutton. Ones that are subtle, raw, affecting, and sharp.
I hope the Emmys recognize her next year, along with other members of the cast. They have earned it. This show...Wow! Find out what is next for Beth Dutton when new episodes of Yellowstone Season 2 air Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET on the Paramount Network. The profound drama that is Yellowstone is part of summer’s television premieres.
Like a contented Hallmark movie character, Britt happily lives in the same city she grew up in. Along with movies and television, she is passionate about competitive figure skating. She has been writing about entertainment for 5 years, and as you may suspect, still finds it as entertaining to do as when she began.