Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won The Veto And Will It Be Used?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
For the third week in a row on Big Brother 21, the Head of Household also won the Power of Veto competition. In the case of Week 8, that's Jackson Michie. If you told me Week 1 that Jackson won Veto as HoH, I'd groan. Today, I'm cheering.
When the live feeds came back on after the Veto competition on Saturday, August 17, Christie Murphy was crying. She'd probably be crying no matter what -- it's Christie -- but she's on the block, and she knows what this means. Here's the recap:
Who Played In The Veto? The Veto players were Jackson, Analyse, Christie, Cliff, Holly, and Nick.Who Won The Power Of Veto? JacksonWill He Use It? He nominated Sis and Christie for eviction, with Christie as his target. Here are the results of Monday's Veto Ceremony.
Mission accomplished? I'm always wary when things look easy. Not that it has been easy to take out Christie -- from her Gr8ful alliance to her Panic Power to The Six Shooters, to the new revised six with Tommy Bracco, Analyse Talavera, Nick Maccarone, Cliff Hogg III, and Nicole Anthony. She's had a lot of support in the game -- including already knowing Tommy before they both showed up on Big Brother -- but will her alliance support her now?
Two members of the majority alliance are now facing off on the block. Sis is not seen as a threat, unlike Christie. I said this before, and I'll say it again -- I think Both Sides Nick plans to go final 2 with Sis, and he wants Nicole to be his final three because he could probably beat both of them for the final HoH. I wonder if Tommy is thinking along the same lines with Sis. Sis has to be eyed right now as an easy person to beat in the end. The danger there is that everyone may feel the same way, and you could find yourself sitting next to Sis next time on the block.
You have to "expect the unexpected" on Big Brother, so if things flip -- or if things LOOK like they might flip, like they did last week with Kat Dunn -- I won't be shocked. There's a lot of time between the Saturday Veto, the Monday Veto Ceremony, and Thursday's live eviction. Jackson will probably spend most of that time eating watermelon, but he may also change his mind or see the rest of The House flip so he does not get his way. We shall see.
I'll say this for Christie: She came to play Big Brother. Sis? Sis is just sort of there. If I were in that house, I'd evict Christie in a heartbeat. As a viewer, I'm tired of Christie's tears, but I appreciate her gameplay. After she's done crying, she may try to work the angle that houseguests can use her to split up Jackson and Holly, the last showmance in the game (unless you count Nick and Sis). That's one argument -- let Christie stay and do their dirty work. Also, Sis has an attitude, and might even want to head to jury to be with her beloved Jack Matthews. If they decide to vote by who "deserves" to be there, they might drop Sis. It's a long-shot, but you never know.
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Stay tuned for our updates after Sunday's episode, and on Monday to see what might change at the Veto Ceremony, and then on Wednesday and Thursday for those TV edits.
Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds. What do you hope happens this week, and who do you want to be the next houseguest in power? What about a double eviction -- who would be your targets? I'd aim for Nick and Tommy.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.