Big Brother Spoilers: Who Was Nominated? Who Is HOH Holly's Target?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
Every day may be Taco Tuesday in Big Brother 21 Week 9. Holly Allen won Head of Household, but thanks to the America's Prankster vote, she has to share her nominations with the Prankster, aka Nick Maccarone. Nick revealed himself to have won the America's Prankster vote in a classic Nick way -- on his way to taking a dump in the bathroom -- but he only revealed it to viewers. The houseguests were left to guess. He then proceeded to have another blow-up with Christie Murphy before Friday's Nomination Ceremony.
First, here are the updates from the Nomination Ceremony, which was held late Friday afternoon, August 23, 2019:
Who Is HoH? HollyWho Did She Nominate For Eviction? NickWho Won America's Prankster Vote? Nick (the houseguests were not told)Who Did Nick Nominate? Christie (anonymous nomination)Who Is Holly's Target? Nick ... or it was, and it may still be. Granted, this time last week, Christie was 100% Jackson's target, so we see how quickly things can change.Who Won The Veto? We'll find out Saturday, August 24 afternoon/evening. UPDATE: Here's the Veto answer, and what it means.Will The Veto Be Used? We'll find out Monday during the Veto Ceremony. Remember, Nick as the Prankster can replace his nominee, Christie, if she comes off the block.
I would never have given Both Sides Nick this much power, but a lot of viewers wanted Christie to leave under Jackson Michie's HoH and this was probably a reaction to that -- and maybe a reaction to the fact that Holly just won HoH right after her showmance mate. The irony is that Holly had been thinking of nominating Christie and Jess with Nick as her backdoor option. So Christie being on the block fits just fine with that plan. Now she just wants to keep the nominations the same to get Nick out.
The pre-Nomination Ceremony fight was instigated by Holly and Jackson. Holly wanted to offset some of the blame onto Christie, so Nick knew if/when she put him up it was because of what Holly heard from Christie. Christie told Holly that Nick told Christie, right before the HoH comp, that they were good and Nick wouldn't put up Christie if he won; he supposedly even said he wouldn't put up Christie as a replacement nom, which would leave both Holly and Jackson as clear nomination options. But Nick said Christie said she would throw the HoH comp to him. Both denied saying anything of the sort. It was a whole he said/she said. High school drama class is in session! It made Holly's nomination easier, though.
Nick even told Holly he figured she'd nominate him and it's smart to put him up because there's no blood on her hands, since she already put him up before during her previous HoH. You could argue that's stupid to basically volunteer for the block, but he has to know the alternative is the potential to be backdoored -- which was her plan at one point. So at least he'd have a chance to play for Veto.
The Veto competition is held Saturdays, usually in the late afternoon/early evening West Coast time, so stay tuned for updates on who won and if the Veto will be used at Monday's Veto Ceremony.
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Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds. I'd put money on Christie and Nick having at least one more blowout fight by the end of the week ... but probably also cuddling again at some point between bouts.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.