Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Nominated After Wall Comp HOH?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
Who is nominated for eviction after the Big Brother 21 endurance wall comp HoH? Well, it's not who I would've picked or imagined, but I do understand the reasoning. Let's break down the results of the Friday, August 30, 2019 Nomination Ceremony.
Who Won HoH? Once again, Jackson Michie is HoH. He won the wall comp HoH, as shown on the live feeds about 10 minutes before 11 p.m. ET on Thursday.Who Is Nominated? Jackson put Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros on the block during Friday's Nomination Ceremony, which was held late Friday afternoon and will be shown in Sunday's September 1 episode.Who Is Jackson's Target? Jess. Yes, she's still in the house and she's the target, not Christie. For now. Stay tuned.Who Won The Veto? We'll find out Saturday after the Veto competition, which is usually held in the late afternoon, West Coast time, but the schedule might be tweaked slightly now that it's later in the season and there are fewer houseguests. UPDATE: Here are the results from the Veto competition. It was a long one!Will There Be A Replacement Nominee? We'll find out Monday after the Veto Ceremony, which is usually held in the early afternoon, West Coast time. Jackson told Tommy on Friday that if Tommy wins the Veto, he can use it to take Christie off the block and show loyalty. Jackson said he would put Cliff up as a pawn next to Jess. Jackson told Tommy he didn't want to put up Nicole, or Tommy, or (obviously) Holly.Who Will Be Evicted? Don't forget we have TWO evictions this Thursday, September 5, 2019, since Julie Chen said we'll finally get the double eviction. Will Christie survive eviction AGAIN? Each survival gives her a stronger argument to the jury.
Jackson did not want to win this HoH. He wanted Nicole Anthony to win. Nicole also wanted Nicole to win. I also wanted Nicole to win. Nicole was so upset about the wall comp because she couldn't seal the deal. And that's on top of her cruel Zingbot zing.
Jackson had a nice conversation with Jess before the Nomination Ceremony. He said he doesn't do backdoors, he wanted to be open. (Jess also didn't do a backdoor when she took out Jack, who was next to his boy Jackson on the block back in that glorious Week 6.)
On Thursday night, Jackson told Cliff Hogg III he planned to put up Christie and Jess. Why not Tommy Bracco, who had been mentioned as a target last week? Jackson said he's worried about Christie and Jess targeting the guys. He wanted to try and pitch it to Christie that she was the pawn again. But he'd be OK with Christie leaving, if that's what it came to. And for all we know, the target could switch. 'Cause it's Christie. AGAIN. This is her third week in a row on the block. (Actually it's her fourth. I forgot about her Field Trip loss during Tommy's HoH!)
I'm wondering if Tommy will manage to avoid the block all season. He and Holly Allen have yet to touch the block.
Speaking of Holly, this is what I find interesting about the Jackson/Holly dynamic. They were underdogs not too long ago. Now they are clearly a power couple -- winning back-to-back-to-back Head of Household competitions, with Jackson also winning the past two Vetos. However, Nick Maccarone was Holly's target, not Jackson's. Jackson loved Nick. Now Jess is Jackson's target, because Jess has talked about taking out guys. (Never mind that Jackson has only nominated women at this point after two HoHs, apparently that's TOTALLY DIFFERENT.) Jackson and Holly have very different games, but they support whatever is best for the other.
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Jess looked like she basically dropped dead toward the start of the endurance wall comp, which is the perfect meme to sum up her game before and after taking out Jack Matthews. Targeting Jack was a huge power move. And then...
Come on, Jess, win this Veto and prove the doubters wrong again! It may seem like a wasted HoH to take out Jess and not Christie, but Jackson's argument to Holly was that -- with Jess gone -- the rest of the house will take shots at each other. Christie and Tommy vs. Nicole and Cliff? Jackson thinks he and Holly will be good with everyone. I'm not seeing that, though.
I think Jackson and Holly are in a tough position for the double eviction they don't know is coming this Thursday, September 5. Nick even said in his post-eviction interview -- when he also talked about his potential future with Bella Wang -- that if Jackson and Holly can survive this week without winning HoH, one of them will 100% make final two.
Well, Jackson won HoH. So now what? Only a fool wouldn't see Jackson and Holly as threats, but they did just make a final four with Cliff and Nicole. Will Cliff and Nicole stick to that, if the alternative is ... Tommy and Christie?
Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.