Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won HOH? Who's Nominated After Double Eviction?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
Who won the HOH after the Big Brother 21 double eviction that took out Christie Murphy?
The battle lines are drawn for the final five in Big Brother 21, Week 11. After the double eviction, it seemed clear the final four of Nicole Anthony, Cliff Hogg III, Holly Allen, and Jackson Michie planned to stay together. What did that mean for Tommy Bracco? Christie's family friend from home certainly looked like a sitting duck, so if he didn't win the next HoH -- or the Veto -- he was in trouble.
Spoiler alert: So far, he's in trouble.
The HOH competition wasn't held late Thursday into Friday, as usual. Instead, Big Brother let Nicole be HOH for a bit and waited until the houseguests got up Friday morning and let the HOH comp and the Nomination Ceremony be held the same day. Here are the updates so far:
Who Won HOH? Jackson won the Head of Household competition on Friday, September 6, 2019. Yes, again. His third HoH. Nicole was outgoing HOH so she couldn't compete. Tommy, Jackson, Holly, and Cliff played in the comp.Who Is Nominated? The Nomination Ceremony was held around 6 p.m. PT. Tommy is the target, for sure. Who is the pawn next to him? Cliff. It doesn't really matter, but it's still telling.Who Won The Veto? The Veto competition -- BB Comics, woo hoo! -- should be held Saturday, per the normal schedule. Granted, now that we're down to the final five, the schedule will start looking a little bit different as we get closer to the big September 25 finale. This Veto will be key. At this point in the season, it's more important than who is nominated. (UPDATE: Here's how the BB Comics Veto played out. My ideal scenario is this close to happening!)Who Will Be Evicted? The Veto Ceremony is usually held Mondays, and that should still be the case this week. That's when we'll confirm the final nominees for eviction on Thursday, September 12. Tommy is the house target, but there are plenty of other scenarios that could play out.
If I'm Tommy, I'm obviously gunning to win Veto on Saturday. But if that doesn't work, I'd pitch to Cliff and Nicole that they HAVE to break up Jackson and Holly. How much more obvious could it be that Jackson and Holly can steamroll comps to Final 2?
It did look like Cliff and Nicole had landed in a nice position -- Jackson and Holly want to get out Tommy, Tommy would love to take out Jackson and Holly -- but that's not going to help if Tommy wins Veto this week.
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No one is directly targeting Nicole and Cliff, in part because they don't seem like very big threats. But Nicole did just take out Christie in the double eviction. That's certainly a resume move, especially when Jackson only took out Sis and Jess during his two HOH runs. Holly finally got her target Nick after a second try, but so many of the houseguests are just like fans -- they are rooting for Nicole. That will go a long way with the jury. Cliff also has a great story behind him. At the moment, Tommy is the underdog, and everyone loves an underdog. He has a lot of friends in that jury.
But Jackson and Holly have dominated this game -- from being a power couple in Gr8ful to briefly being the underdogs themselves before launching this successful new alliance with Cliff and Nicole. They have controlled the past four weeks in the house, taking out whoever they want, even if it's sometimes strange who they want to take out. (Sis and Jess? I mean, I did get Jackson here.)
So who will win Big Brother 21? It could be a close one, especially if Nicole and Cliff continue to win comps and eventually take out Jackson and Holly.
Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.