Big Brother Spoilers: Should Nicole And Cliff Turn On Jackson And Holly?

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.
Should Nicole Anthony have taken a shot at Jackson Michie during the Big Brother 21 double eviction instead of taking out Christie Murphy? I'm not trying to take anything away from Nicole's move or Christie's status as a threat. But Christie hasn't won anything since the very start of the 2019 season and Jackson just won HOH for a third time. Yes, Jackson is safe once again, and Holly Allen will most likely be safe with him since he could break any tie vote. Tommy Bracco is the target, but if he wins the BB Comics Veto tomorrow that means Nicole and Cliff Hogg III will be on the block, with one being evicted.
So how are Nicole and Cliff ever planning to get out Jackson and Holly? Well, there is a way to evict Holly this week, but it would need the perfect storm of scenarios and a willingness to turn on the showmance. UPDATE: Here's how the BB Comics Veto played out on Saturday. My dream scenario may really happen!
Jackson nominated Tommy and Cliff for eviction on Friday. Nicole and Cliff have a final four deal with Jackson and Holly, but that deal does seem much better for Jackson and Holly than Cliff and Nicole. This is a game. They are all friends. It's very lovey-dovey in the house, even though Cliff is most likely to be in trouble this week if Tommy wins the Veto tomorrow. If Tommy is safe, that means Cliff or Nicole would leave. Jackson isn't putting up Holly. They didn't fight THAT much.
Jackson now has three HOH wins under his belt since Week 8. It's now Week 11, and the only other people to win HOH are Holly and Nicole. Holly won two HOHs, and Nicole just won her very first comp with that double eviction puzzle.
Nicole is now celebrating her HOH win from last night, but I'd celebrate fast and think for a long hard time about her best case scenarios to get to F2. I get why she kept Cliff over Jess in her big swing vote decision last week, but she should really consider not just sticking with loyalty moving forward. It's not an equal partnership. Tommy is still in the game, and he has one HOH and two Veto wins on his resume. He has taken Christie down in his two Vetos, and it's clear he is good under Veto pressure.
Tommy will obviously try hard to win the Veto, but that's not my ideal scenario. You know my favorite Veto scenario this week? Cliff or Nicole win and Holly is evicted....
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Tommy and Cliff are currently on the block. Let's say Nicole wins Veto. If she takes Cliff off the block, then Holly has to go up next to Tommy. It would be Holly's FIRST time on the block all season. Then Cliff and Nicole could vote to evict Holly. I would love to see this ... even though I doubt it will happen. Even if Nicole did win, she'd probably just celebrate with her final four and keep the noms the same. But I can dream -- and I would hope Tommy would at least point out how much that might help Nicole's game.
Because, otherwise ... how are Cliff and Nicole planning to keep Jackson and Holly from winning at Final 4, Final 3, Final 2? They have already won back-to-back HOHs and Vetos. Cliff has two comp wins to his name, but let's be realistic. Final HOH Part 1 is usually endurance. Holly would most likely win, if she is around. If not, Jackson and Tommy are great at that too. Part 2 is often a mix of mental and physical -- sometimes with a puzzle, which might help Nicole, although it's not going to be quite as fast as the double eviction, so the physical might slow her down. Part 3 is usually that "Scales of Just Us" comp that plays to your social game, but it's mostly a crapshoot. It's a bit like the double eviction Veto comp that Cliff just won, but I could really see Part 3 going any which way.
Nicole has a great shot of getting to the end if Jackson and/or Holly is gone. They will take each other to the end, but if Holly leaves, I see Jackson taking Nicole to Final 2. If Jackson leaves, I see Holly taking Nicole to final 2. I also see Cliff taking Nicole to final 2, and Tommy taking Nicole to final 2. The only scenario where I don't see Nicole at least being considered for final 2 is if Jackson and Holly choose each other.
Remove that Jackson/Holly duo obstacle, and Nicole has a great shot to win. The problem is that this week, there are only two voters, and once again Jackson could break a tie. If Tommy stays on the block, he will be evicted no matter what -- Holly will vote to evict him, and Jackson could break any tie. In that case, it's a definite final four of Cliff/Nicole/Holly/Jackson, with Holly back in play to win the next HOH, and both Holly and Jackson playing for the most important Veto of the season.
If Tommy comes down and both Cliff and Nicole end up on the block, I can see Tommy trying to make a deal with Nicole to work together to split up Jackson and Holly.
So tomorrow's BB Comics Veto is going to be huge, with so many scenarios in play. I really hope Nicole and Cliff don't just coast along and cross their fingers that they'll find a way to break up Jackson and Holly at Final 4. Maybe they would get that lucky with a perfect Final 4 HOH comp and a perfect Veto comp. Maybe, say, Nicole wins HOH again and Cliff wins Veto again in a repeat of the double. They could take out Jackson and go to Final 3 with Holly. But is it worth risking their games on? Besides, Holly would most likely beat them at the Final HOH and win in the end.
Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds.
Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.