Vampire Diaries Fans Noticed Legacies Season 2's Big Stefan Callback

The Vampire Diaries Damon Salvatore Ian Somerhalder Stefan Salvatore Paul Wesley The CW

(Image credit: The CW)

Legacies continues giving odes to its predecessor series The Vampire Diaries in Season 2. This time with a big Stefan callback. The late Salvatore brother was the subject of another nostalgic touchstone to the series that started it all ten years ago. Did you catch it?

If you tuned into the latest episode of Legacies Season 2, you might have. Legacies’ executive producer Brett Matthews confirmed why Landon’s dorm room looked so familiar. If you thought you caught some brooding bedroom vibes that made you reflect on Stefan Salvatore, there was a reason. Matthew confirmed The Vampire Diaries callback on Twitter, posting:

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Stefan’s bedroom is doubling as Landon’s new dorm room in Legacies Season 2. Given his altruistic nature, I am sure that Stefan would not begrudge Landon his old place. Plus, it is another neat way for the spinoff to give a nod to Vampire Diaries. Of course, the Salvatore family comes up regularly with the school bearing their name.

Now, if Legacies could only get The Vampire Diaries’ fan-favorite and Stefan’s widow, Caroline, on the show. Or introduce Stefan’s niece and namesake in one of the ways that CinemaBlend’s Gina Carbone suggested. There is always the hope that Stefan’s complicated brother Damon could drop by to visit his good friend Ric.

Has Stefan’s brother been doing what Ian Somerhalder thinks he has since The Vampire Diaries ended? I think a lot of fans would be curious to find out. Thanks to Legacies’ existence, the potential to have any of this happen remains open. Legacies has not backed down from happily showing off its connection to the franchise starter.

Hopefully, the series will not let up on the practice! Legacies has named a character with a Vampire Diaries reference. Did you catch it? Or perhaps Legacies introducing a new character, said to have some similarities to Ian Somerhalder? On that Damon-related note, Legacies chose to echo his and Bonnie’s dynamic with one Legacies relationship.

Stefan may be gone, but he is clearly not forgotten. It probably helps that Paul Wesley has been willing to show Legacies’ stars how to carry out a proper vampire feeding. As far as Wesley returning as Stefan for the spinoff, the actor has weighed in on it. He has also had thoughts about what kind of role he would want to play if he appeared on Legacies. You never know!

It would be neat for Paul Wesley to do a guest spot on Legacies as another character besides Stefan. I could see him going into Landon’s dorm room and remarking about the familiarity of the space. “Have I been here before?” Yes, it is an obvious wink, but it could be a fun one.

The Vampire Diaries lives on with its second spinoff series in Legacies. New episodes of Legacies air Tuesdays, at 9 p.m. ET on The CW. The series’ return is one of this fall’s many premieres. You can relive Stefan’s time in his bedroom on The Vampire Diaries via Netflix, along with newly arriving content.

Britt Lawrence

Like a contented Hallmark movie character, Britt happily lives in the same city she grew up in. Along with movies and television, she is passionate about competitive figure skating. She has been writing about entertainment for 5 years, and as you may suspect, still finds it as entertaining to do as when she began.