New Amsterdam's Helen Has No Patience For Max After Demotion In Exclusive Clip

New Amsterdam Dr. Helen Sharpe Freema Agyeman Dr. Max Goodwin Ryan Eggold NBC

(Image credit: Virginia Sherwood / NBC)

Dr. Helen Sharpe recently endured a demotion on New Amsterdam, and she considered leaving the titular hospital in the wake of it. In an exclusive clip from tonight’s all-new episode (airing January 21), entitled “Hiding Behind My Smile,” Helen has no time for a certain someone. Unfortunately, that would be her incredibly good friend, Dr. Max Goodwin.

Helen is still working through having her titles as co-chair of oncology and deputy medical director taken from her. By the end of New Amsterdam’s previous episode, Helen had, thankfully, found a reason to stay on at the hospital and informed Max of her decision. That does not mean she has any patience for him, though! Check out Helen and Max’s "punny" exchange in this exclusive clip from the January 21 episode:

I love puns, and Helen and Max’s relationship shines yet again in this exclusive clip! It is also lovely to see them enjoying a playful moment and Helen getting a chance to spend some time with baby Luna. There should be even more to come! New Amsterdam recently got renewed for three more seasons, and the excitement just keeps building on-screen.

You can add another golden scene between Helen and Max to the plethora of those we've already watched. Hopefully, there will be even more between them in tonight’s New Amsterdam. After giving Helen and Max fans some not so great news at the start of Season 2, a positive update regarding the state of their relationship followed for the winter premiere.

When the clip begins, Dr. Lauren Bloom is sharing details about her recent breakup with her Season 2 love interest. She also reveals that she got a massive amount disbursed from her trust fund. Is her conversation with Helen a sign of the family drama to come for her? New Amsterdam will be introducing Lauren's mother later this season, which will cause her to confront some personal issues.

For his part, Max seems to be in okay spirits. Or, at least, in much better ones than he was earlier this season. After his and Helen's intense time during the previous episode, New Amsterdam will explore how Helen is handling the aftermath of her demotion. At one point, she tells Lauren that she feels as though she is “trespassing” in her own hospital.

Following her talk with Lauren, Helen heads out and is greeted by a gleeful Max and baby Luna. Max tells Helen that it is Luna’s six-month checkup. He also mentions having a “big idea,” which Helen does not have time to hear about. What is it, and will he ever get a chance to tell Helen when she has the time? Stay tuned!

See what else happens with Helen and her colleagues in the next episode of New Amsterdam when it airs tonight, Tuesday, January 21 at 10 p.m. ET on NBC. Season 2 continuing is one of this winter’s premieres.

Britt Lawrence

Like a contented Hallmark movie character, Britt happily lives in the same city she grew up in. Along with movies and television, she is passionate about competitive figure skating. She has been writing about entertainment for 5 years, and as you may suspect, still finds it as entertaining to do as when she began.