90 Day Fiance: Brittany Banks' Dad Goes On Shocking Rant, Calling Yazan A 'Cheater' Among Other Wild Claims

Greg Banks 90 Dday Fiance

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Season 2 was one of the most drama-filled seasons of the entire franchise, and it's thanks to the continued fallout of couples like Brittany Banks and Yazan Abo Horira. Like many couples on the show that went through struggles the two have continually posted about each other on social media, and now Brittany's father Greg Banks has made some shocking claims about their relationship.

Greg, who was introduced early on in 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way as Brittany's always-smiling father despite what's actually on his mind, mostly kept his thoughts about Yazan to himself on the series. That has changed, and now that the floodgates are open Greg Banks alleged quite a few things about Yazan that were previously unknown or speculated.

@Yazan_abuhurira you owe my family more than 7,000 [dollars] and you say my daughter used you. You asked her to lie about you not knowing she was married to protect you from your grandfather. It was really a scheme to paint her as a liar. You had been trying to get to America since you met my family. Let's start telling the truth. I paid for her flights because you promised to but instead spent the money drinking and partying with your boyfriend Muhammad. And you promised to pay me back and never have done so. Yazan I find it comical you have nothing good to say about my daughter when you cheated on her constantly. She has never said a word. You have stolen money from her she has never said a word. You have been violent toward her and she has not said a word. She has loved you even to protect you now. But I don't owe you any loyalty and you don't deserve any from Brittany. You are a useless man and have been one since I met you. That's why I did not approve of you in the end.

Greg Banks said a lot in the above statement, which he posted in his since-expired Instagram stories following a recent live-stream by Yazan Abo Horira. It seems Greg has had enough of Yazan's telling of the relationship, and has decided to go to bat for his daughter Brittany Banks and give his side of the story. Of course, his string of claims doesn't have the level of evidence that Brittany Banks has posted with her claims about Yazan, so it's hard to verify how much of what he said is accurate.

What is known is that Yazan and Brittany had their fair share of struggles during 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way and that there was a clear discrepancy as to whether Yazan told Brittany that she would be expected to give up her career and convert to Islam. Meanwhile, Brittany was portrayed to have hidden the fact that she was still married from Yazan, though Brittany and her father Greg have both said on the record it was a lie for the show to prevent trouble for Yazan and his family.

Though there hasn't been definitive confirmation from either side, it does appear that Brittany Banks and Yazan Abo Horira are no longer a couple. Recently, it was speculated that Yazan has found himself a new girlfriend, but for whatever reason can't talk about it. Brittany recently called the producers of the series "garbage ass humans," so it's unclear whether or not she'll continue to be involved with the series.

90 Day Fiancé airs on TLC Sundays at 8:00 p.m. ET. Continue to stick with CinemaBlend in the meantime for more on the series, and for the latest news happening in television and movie news.

Mick Joest
Content Producer

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.