Below Deck: Mediterranean Fans Are Clearly Not Happy With Lexi Wilson After Latest Episode

screenshot lexi wilson below deck Mediterranean

On this season of Below Deck: Mediterranean, it's not chief stews versus captains but good ol’ fashion co-worker drama. Captain Sandy’s crew just can't get along, and it seems to mostly stem from chef Mathew Shea and second stewardess Lexi Wilson rubbing people the wrong way. Bravo fans are clearly being rubbed the wrong way, too, especially after Lexi’s behavior in the latest episode.

The dramatic Below Deck: Mediterranean episode in question is actually next week's episode, which fans could see early on Peacock. In it, Lexi Wilson gets into drunken arguments with literally all of her co-stars on the boat, and it wasn't pretty. Wilson's behavior eventually prompted a lot of stunned reactions on Twitter:

The comment about Lexi Wilson being Satan indeed comes from the stew's own mouth in the latest episode of Below Deck: Mediterranean. Wilson gets into it with co-star Malia White over a dinner bill dispute from earlier on. The argument results in Wilson claiming she doesn't really need to answer to anyone (because she has an expensive apartment), but things really heat up later on in the hot tub, where Wilson gets into a screaming match with White over yacht rank.

To be fair, a lot more is going on amidst Lexi Wilson and Malia White’s fight on this season of Below Deck: Mediterranean. Wilson's father had only just passed away a few months prior, and she was still clearly grieving and lashing out while drunk. But following everything that transpires in the episode, fans were still not so sympathetic. See this user's reaction:

Below Deck: Mediterranean didn’t stop there, either. Deckhand Lloyd Spencer told Lexi Wilson to “shut the fuck up” at one point, who Wilson in turn called a “pussy.” Then, in a truly awkward moment, Wilson actually squished her boobs in Spencer’s face, prompting him to feel uncomfortable and leave the hot tub. Fans noted the moment as being something much more serious than an attempt at a joke. One viewer even wrote:

The drama continued to intensify on Below Deck: Mediterranean. Lexi Wilson got physically violent with deckhand Mzi Dempers, after he tried to diffuse her anger. Wilson also strangely called Dempers, who is Black, “Afrikaans” amidst the argument. One user on Reddit perceived the comment as Wilson calling her only fellow Black, on-board castmate a colonizer. Other users on the platform were seriously up in arms about Wilson's behavior, calling her “elitist,” “insecure,” and “mean” among numerous other comments.

Ahead of the controversial episode of Below Deck: Mediterranean, Lexi Wilson said on her Instagram stories (via Showbiz CheatSheet) that the editing was what made her look bad, not her actual behavior. Supposedly, Wilson also claimed on Instagram (via Granthshala) that Malia White was pretending to care about the death of her father (from a different episode) in an effort to somehow do “damage control.” As of this writing, Wilson's Instagram account is actually on private.

The drama on this season of Below Deck: Mediterranean is clearly very intense. So much so, that now I'm starting to rethink my previous assessment that it couldn't get any juicier than Below Deck: Sailing Yacht’s second season. Apparently, it can.

Lauren Vanderveen
Movies and TV News Writer

Freelance writer. Favs: film history, reality TV, astronomy, French fries.