All-Stars Celebrity Apprentice Power Rankings: The Cat In The Hat Comes Back

This week’s task picked up right where last week’s episode ended. Trump stopped in to the post-boardroom celebration to assign two new project managers, with the responsibility eventually falling on Dee Snider and Omarosa’s shoulders. The two teams were then shipped off to Universal Studios, where they were asked to create marketing displays that would be an experience for park-goers.
Team Omarosa had some good and very specific ideas right off the bat thanks to Lil Jon and his seemingly never-ending creativity, eventually deciding on three different rooms based on big Universal characters that park-goers could walk through. However, Omarosa kind of screwed her team by choosing a Spider-man panel at the last minute and keeping the news from her team as they took pictures through the park. Was it a sneaky way to throw her team under the bus in case they lost? Probably, but unbeknownst to them, Team Dee was having some problems coming up with a concept.
Eventually, Team Dee opted to roll with life-size cutouts of the celebrities in universal costumes. Penn had a better idea at some point, but the team had trouble tying his illusion concept in with Universal Studios’ marketing message and characters. While Dee’s team was better with the brand message, they ended up losing in the creativity and live experience portions of the task.
Trump’s tactics to keep audiences on the edge of the their seats were in full peacock display during Sunday’s episode when he fired Penn early on, as a joke, of course. Audiences went through a lot of bullshit tonight, thanks to the fake firing and Omarosa full-on bawling to show her love for the now-deceased Michael Clarke Duncan. Luckily, Busey didn’t shoehorn in too many Busey-isms, so things didn’t get too wild. Unfortunately, Dee was sent home for not using Penn’s idea and for taking responsibility for the faults.
On a side note, has anyone else noticed Claudia Jordan looking as if she was flirting with Dennis Rodman in the background of camera shots?
The Celebrity Apprentice Power Rankings are an ordered compilation of weekly lists put together by TV Blend writers Mack Rawden and Jessica Rawden. Each week after viewing the episode, they each rank the competitors in order. Fourteen points are given for a first place vote, and this week, three were given for a last place vote. Two competitors have already been eliminated; therefore, those already eliminated automatically occupy the bottom slots. Here is how this week’s voting panned out, complete with analysis on how the celebrities might fare moving forward.
The Favorites
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#1) Lil Jon (28): Lil Jon was a stream of brilliant and creative ideas during his initial season on Celebrity Apprentice, and if this week’s episode was any indication, that trend will continue. He was the one who told Omarosa the team should build three separate experiences, and he was later singled out for that positive contribution in the boardroom.
#2) Trace Adkins (25): After winning last week, Trace actually had to bow out of this week’s challenge thanks to having a previous gig already scheduled. His missing presence may have knocked the country star out of the top slot. However, he seems to really be invested in playing the game and winning money for his charity. Moving forward, there’s no reason to believe he will let audiences down.
#3) Penn Jillette (24): Dee should have taken Penn’s idea and used Harry Potter to tie it to Universal Studios Orlando. Ultimately, however, that mistake is on Dee. As Penn pointed out in the boardroom, a good teammate fights for an idea until the leader fully understands, and if the decision is made not to use it, he immediately backs down and gets on board with the other direction. Unlike during his initial season Penn actually did that, which is one of many reasons why he’s a huge asset.
#4) Omarosa (23): Omarosa has such a reputation of being scary and manipulative she didn’t really need to reach very far into her bag of tricks this week. She was a bad project manager, but thanks to Lil Jon’s idea, her team came home with the win. This is the first time Omarosa has won as a project manager in the history of her tenure on Apprentice and it certainly will give her a leg up in the competition in the weeks to come.
The Contenders
#5) Marilu Henner (19): Marilu Henner really put her heart and soul into the task this week. She’s one of the few women that has made a formidable impression thus far this season, and both her energy during tasks and her ability to speak up and speak out during the boardroom should prove to be assets in the future. We’ll see if that highly autobiographical memory ends up actually helping out, though.
#5) Claudia Jordan (19): Claudia is an extremely hard worker and a good team player. She ran around the park doing as much as she could during the photo-taking portion of the challenge, and thus far, she’s been up for taking any assignments thrown her way. Until she proves her leadership skills or contributes something invaluable to a task, however, she’ll be forced to remain in the middle of the pack.
#7) LaToya Jackson (15): LaToya isn’t much of a leader. She proved this in her own season and is continuing to prove this during All-Stars. However, LaToya is a worker bee and Trump seems to like her—or at least her family name. If this season is anything like her first run on Apprentice, she’ll stay in the game longer than she’s actually helpful.
#8) Brande Roderick (13): Brande was far from a disaster during her turn as project manager. Her team actually raised a lot of money last week, and apart from not tracking who brought in what, she led things effectively enough. Unfortunately, until she offers some clear and tangible contributions, which didn’t happen last night, she’ll be playing from behind the 8 ball thanks to her loss.
The Dark Horses
#9) Lisa Rinna (12): Lisa has done a whole lot of nothing so far. Inside there somewhere, I’m pretty sure there’s a capable woman who could do some real damage in this competition, but she was fired right off the bat in her season and hasn’t gotten a lot of screen time this year. Hopefully, she’ll get to prove herself sooner rather than later.
#9)Dennis Rodman (12): A case could be made that two decisions turned the entire challenge in Omarosa’s favor last night. First, Lil Jon’s idea to make three separate experiences really improved the three dimensional aspect and made the display seem larger than life, and second, Dennis’ brilliant question about whether or not to use celebrity star power led the team to highlight the characters rather than themselves. He might not be the most active team member, but last night proved just how much value Dennis can have.
#11) Gary Busey (8): Gary’s probably not going anywhere for a while. He’s too good for the ratings and is too sincere in the boardroom when he genuinely doesn’t know how unhelpful he is. That’s the big problem with Gary. Despite his enthusiasm, he can’t lead a team, he doesn’t have any skills sets, he distracts everyone, and his need to be everywhere and try everything often leads the team to have to teach him things, like in Sunday’s episode, when he had to be taught to use a digital camera. He’s a negative to the team and he should go home.
#12) Stephen Baldwin (6): Between the haircut and Stephen Baldwin’s personality, the man comes across as smarmy. Really, I can’t see what the actor has going for him in this competition. He gets by doing the bare minimum during the challenges and his own team doesn’t seem to trust him. Maybe he’s just shy and needs to come out of his shell, but if he doesn’t step up in the coming weeks, his team will be gunning hard to send him home.
Jessica:Lil Jon (14)Trace Adkins (13)Omarosa (12)Penn Jillette (11)Marilu Henner (10)Claudia Jordan (9)LaToya Jackson (8)Lisa Rinna (7)Dennis Rodman (6)Brande Roderick (5)Gary Busey (4)Stephen Baldwin (3) | Mack:Lil Jon (14)Penn Jillette (13)Trace Adkins (12)Omarosa (11)Claudia Jordan (10)Marilu Henner (9)Brande Roderick (8)LaToya Jackson (7)Dennis Rodman (6)Lisa Rinna (5)Gary Busey (4)Stephen Baldwin (3) | Row 0 - Cell 2 |
Mack Rawden is the Editor-In-Chief of CinemaBlend. He first started working at the publication as a writer back in 2007 and has held various jobs at the site in the time since including Managing Editor, Pop Culture Editor and Staff Writer. He now splits his time between working on CinemaBlend’s user experience, helping to plan the site’s editorial direction and writing passionate articles about niche entertainment topics he’s into. He graduated from Indiana University with a degree in English (go Hoosiers!) and has been interviewed and quoted in a variety of publications including Digiday. Enthusiastic about Clue, case-of-the-week mysteries, a great wrestling promo and cookies at Disney World. Less enthusiastic about the pricing structure of cable, loud noises and Tuesdays.