BBC Three Zombie Drama In The Flesh Gets Its First Trailer
With The Walking Dead getting massive ratings at AMC, it was only a matter of time before other networks would start looking to the undead to star in their own zombie series and BBC Three has just released the first trailer for the three-part drama called In The Flesh. Looking like a perfect mix of 28 Days Later and Warm Bodies, the mini-series follows a dead teenager's reintegration back into his former community (feeding ground) and his still living family. Watch the new spot and "Enter Kieren's world"...
That's a pretty exciting tease, even if there are a few too many stylistic flourishes, which not only sells the premise but also ratchets up the intensity before an eerie calm, ending with the quiet and unsettling voice-over. I also like the way In The Flesh treats the zombie 'condition' like a mental illness, calling them PDS sufferers (Partially Deceased Syndrome) and having them take medication in order to reintroduce them into society.
And this is where the drama differs from most of the other series based on the undead because, as we saw, Kieren is forced to deal with the weight of all of his deceased actions. Oh, and the brutal ‘rotter’ hating Human Volunteer Force (HVF). Apparently not everyone is ready to welcome the dead back into their lives with open arms. In the Flesh airs on March 17 on BBC Three (more details still to come). Created and written by Dominic Mitchell, the series stars Luke Newberry, David Walmsley, Emily Bevan, Harriet Cains, Steve Evets and Kenneth Cranham.
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