Big Brother 12 Recap: Peace Out

Let’s hear it for awkward moments! While tonight’s elimination episode of BB didn’t quite pack the punch that Andrew’s speech delivered last week, there were still plenty of reasons to raise an eyebrow. Like how about the fact that Kristen has a boyfriend and it’s not the guy she’s been making out with for weeks!
Before we get to Showmance #2, I have one question: What is up with Rachel’s laugh? I’m not even talking about the annoying quality to it. I’m referring to how it seems to come out randomly and in response to nothing. If tonight’s show weren’t live, I would’ve sworn the producers got one recording of her crooking her neck and doing that silly little giggle thing and then looped it over and over during Julie’s interview with her. I don’t even know what they talked about as Rachel kept cutting Julie off and laughing at nothing.
Speaking of Rachel, some of the filler tonight featured Britney and Ragan making fun of Rachel in her HoH room by flouncing about with the girl’s red hair extensions. When Rachel showed up and busted them, they all thought she’d be mad but Rachel was flattered… that people were laughing at her behind her back.
Usually I’m wishing I could fast forward the filler portion of the live episode. With the impending voting, elimination and HoH competition, it’s hard to care about “what so and so’s friends and family think of their behavior in the house.” Tonight was an exception to that as we got to meet Hayden’s mother and hear her thoughts on how Kristen’s de-railing his game. She scored some points by stating that her son should be thinking with the head that’s on his shoulders.
As for Kristen’s friends and family, we got to meet one of her friends and her boyfriend. Yeah, she has a boyfriend. Granted, they’ve only been dating a couple of months but apparently, they agreed that Kristen was going to be “playing the game as a single person” as her boyfriend had put it. So he wasn’t thrilled to see her making out with Hayden on national television. He was mostly gracious about the situation, though he made a remark about Hayden’s age and said that Kristen had a mess to deal with when she got out. From Kristen’s post-eviction remarks, it seems she knows she’s single now.
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What I don’t get is why Kristen went into the whole Hayden showmance in the first place. Sure, he’s cute and making out is fun but when there’s a half a million dollars on the line and you already have a man, is a showmance really worth it? I have to agree with Hayden’s mother in that (aside from all the kissing), it didn’t really seem like Kirsten was genuinely interested in Hayden. Then again, from what they showed of Kristen (and I’ll admit, I don’t watch the live feeds, which could tell a different story), not much of what Kristen said or did in the BB house seemed all that genuine. From her tears to the conversations we saw, to her speech tonight, all of it seemed strangely staged and overly phony. Between that and the fact that she never seemed to be trying to play the game up until she was nominated (and even then, what moves she did try to make were way too little, too late), I wasn’t disappointed to see her go. Hayden hasn’t done much, that I’ve seen, but he’s in an actual alliance, so there’s some strategy there.
As for Kristen’s strategy, the best thing she had up her sleeve was the suspicion that Hayden was in an alliance with some of the guys. If her barely-attempt at playing that card was what Julie considered “playing the game with dignity,” I disagree. She barely played at all. If nothing more, I applaud Julie for being able to repeatedly use the word dignity whilst talking to a grown woman wearing a tie-dye unitard and a Richard Simmons wig. Between that and managing to keep a straight face following the exchange between Ragan and Britney over Ragan’s flatulence, the woman deserves an Emmy.
Everyone but Kathy voted to evict Kristen. Following her evictions, we got to watch the goodbye messages. Matt pointed out that Kristen fell victim to the curse of the costume as a number of previous BB houseguests were evicted the week they were stuck in some ridiculous costume. Of course, wearing the costume is usually the result of losing the Veto competition, which does have a tendency to push a person toward the nomination chair, if they're not already there.
Brendan’s remark in his goodbye message about Kristen lying about Hayden’s guy-alliance was worthy of a laugh. That guy has no idea what’s going on. And Rachel kept her streak of accusing the latest evictee of trying to get between her and her man in tact in her own goodbye message, which also included her calling Kristen names and reveling in getting the last word.
Rachel and Brendon both seem blinded by their own showmance. Brendon’s so busy trying to keep Rachel in line or appeased (or both, depending on the argument), and Rachel’s busy trying to make sure no one comes between her and Brendon that neither of them see what’s happening in the house. Rachel’s had two head of household weeks to sniff out the other alliances and see where people’s loyalties are. Instead she’s used her week’s to settle scores. I’m all for cheering for the underdogs (if you consider a power-couple with a huge target on their back and underdog) but neither of them have done much to win me over.
Head of Household
Tonight’s HoH competition is an endurance one. The houseguests are standing along the outside of a giant rotating paint-can. They have to hang on while getting splattered with paint and smacked in the face with a giant paintbrush. The first person off the can is the sole have-not for the week. The last person off the can is the Head of Household and the person who gets to decide whether or not to open Pandora’s box. If (when) they do, Ragan will be given the offer to be the next Saboteur. Think he’ll do it? I certainly hope so. He’s barely in the episodes. If nothing more, if he takes the task at least it’ll force him to do something interesting enough to make it onto an episode for more than a few seconds at a time.
Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.