Big Brother 15 Week 1 Live Feed Updates: Who Got Nominated?

Romance may already be brewing in the Big Brother house! They've been quarantined for about a week by now, though we only just got to "meet" the houseguests last night when Season 15 premiered on CBS. The live feeds went live following the West Coast airing of the premiere, and those of us who have already subscribed through CBS' website or watched Big Brother After Dark on TV Guide Network were able to get some big updates on where things stand, including which two houseguests were nominated by the season's first Head of Household?

It should go without saying that this report contains spoilers from the Live Feeds of Big Brother 15. The feeds are days ahead of the episodes, so if you'd rather wait until Sunday to find out who's nominated, stop reading now!

I tuned in to the live feeds last night and got a glimpse of the season's Have Not room, which may just be the coolest Have-Not room to date. It follows the airplane theme we've glimpsed in the house, and as the houseguests sleeping on airplane seats. There are signs on the walls and part of what looks like an airplane in the room. Here's what it looks like in the dark (since the houseguests are asleep right now).

Big Brother Have Not

This may be the most clever Have Not room yet, as no one wants to get stuck sleeping at the airport.

Update: Here's a look at it this morning:

airplane room

Watching the live feeds during the early weeks of the season is always a bit tricky, as there are so many people in the house - especially this season - and we don't know everyone very well just yet. So this report is going on a combination of what I saw with my own eyes during last night's feeds, and some helpful updates from the folks over at Joker's Updates. Jokers reports that Jessie and Candice are on the block. Nominations happened before the feeds came back, so we don't really have a fully idea of why McCrae went with those two.

Jokers reports a number of alliances formed, and a budding showmance between Aaryn and David. CBS' sneak-peek video above seems to confirm that these two are hitting it off. Who else looked pretty cozy? Kaitlin and Jeremy, who could be seen sitting kind of close on the couch last night.

Kaitlin and Jeremy

When the feeds went live, most of the women in the house were busy getting glammed up for a fashion show, while some of the guys and Amanda hung out in the Have Not room. The first episode had GinaMarie seeming like the loudest of the bunch, and that may still be the case, but Amanda was delivering laughs quite a bit on the feeds last night, first by pretending to be a flight attendant in the Have Not room, and later by joking around on the couch while the girls and some of the guys were getting ready for the fashion show/beauty pageant they were putting on in the living room.

Candice hosted the beauty pageant, and all signs point to her holding up well (publicly anyway) after being nominated. Jessie participated in the pageant, but seemed a little bit shy, which may just be her personality, or she's trying to play it cool in the wake of being nominated. And as you'll see in the photos below, McCrae and David also got dressed up. McCrae went geek-chic, while David took a pinker approach…

Fashion show


Joker's Updates' live feed reports include some chatter about Elissa possibly getting into a couple of arguments, though it sounds like this drama took place pre-feeds and was only referenced. It also sounds like people know she's Rachel's sister, and there's a chance she could be the replacement nominee if someone wins the Veto. It may be more accurate to say that some people want her to be the replacement nominee. I'm not sure how McCrae feels about that, so she may be a target in some houseguests' eyes but not in his. No confirmation of who the MVP is yet (they may not know), but we'll be sure to update you if and when we do find out. We'll also keep you posted on who wins the Veto and whether or not they plan to use it!

In the meantime, those who want to re-watch last night's season premiere might consider playing Dan Gheesling's commentary along with it. The former BB winner, runner-up and expert mister is doing a live commentary called Watch With Dan this season. Here's the video for last night's episode:

Read our breakdown of the premiere episode here.

Assistant Managing Editor

Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.