Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers: Who Won Head Of Household And Who Did They Nominate?

There was actual drama in the Big Brother house today. And given the lack of a live episode tonight, that's much appreciated. Ready to know who won Head of Household and who they nominated? There were also some great shenanigans, which we should get to see on Sunday night's episode.
Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers ahead!
Here's how things went down since last night's live episode:
Head of Household: Caleb won.
Nominations: Frankie (Yes, Frankie) and Victoria.
Veto: Has not been played yet.
Shenanigans: The jurors came back into the house, made a mess of the place, then competed with the Houseguests in some kind of luxury competition.
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We'll start with the game talk. In an alternate reality, Frankie won HoH, nominated Cody and Victoria, won the Veto and plotted to get his biggest threat (?!) Victoria out of the house. But then the rewind happened, and in this reality, Caleb won the shovel Head of Household. While Frankie did his best to buddy up to Caleb last night and ensure/warn him that they need to stick together since they're the two biggest targets, it seems the damage of the week-that-never-was was done. Well, that and Derrick's still working his word-magic.
It might be a stretch to give Derrick too much credit for getting into Caleb's ear. In truth, the guys have been talking about taking a shot at Frankie for weeks now, knowing that their chances of getting him out were likely dwindling. After Frankie's double-win last week, it became incredibly apparent that he's going to be very hard to beat in the remaining competitions, and even harder to beat in the Final 2, if any of them manage to make it to the finale with him. Heck, even Frankie admitted in the Diary Room that he's making the target on his back huge by winning so much.
But would Caleb really put Frankie up? After all, there is a good chance Frankie could have been planning to take Caleb with him to the end, or close to it. And maybe that's what Caleb realized. Frankie might work with Caleb to the Final 3, but if it came down to Frankie winning the last Head of Household, he might be more inclined to take Cody or Derrick to the end, thinking he had a better shot at beating either of them.
From the sound of it, Caleb used a chess metaphor in his nomination speech. In recapping what he said to the guys after the feeds came back on, Caleb said he said something about a king protecting his queen, but now Frankie had to be a pawn... or something. The plan seems to be to treat Frankie like he's this week's pawn, at least until the Veto is played and won. If Frankie manages to win the Veto and save himself, they can all claim they were always going to send Victoria out this week, just as they were going to last week.
Cody brought up nominating two pawns and then only nominating Frankie after the Veto was won, but Derrick and Cody argued the risk there would be that Frankie could win the Veto, and if he's not on the block, use it to save Victoria, forcing Cody and Derrick to be on the block together, in which case one of them would go. It needed to be Frankie and Victoria if they wanted to ensure Derrick and Cody would be mostly safe this week. And it looks like Caleb decided to take the chance. So, if Frankie doesn't win the Veto, there's a really good chance he'll be evicted next. But anything is possible. And it's very possible that Frankie will win the Veto again, especially if it's the face-morph competition. Though Derrick did do pretty well on that. Who knows?
Moving on to the shenanigans. Today, the houseguests were sent up to the Head of Household room (the second bedroom, I think) where they watched a monitor that showed them the jurors showing up in the house and tearing through it, making a mess of everything. Clothes were tossed around. Garbage was dumped out all over the floor. At one point, Nicole found a box of Froot Loops and promptly brought them to Zach, who did this with them...
Meanwhile, Hayden yelled out "Hey Cody" and then grabbed Nicole and gave her a kiss...
The houseguests watched from upstairs, in shock and amusement. And then the feeds went out. When they returned, it sounded like each of the Houseguests was teamed up with one of the jurors for some kind of luxury competition. Victoria and Hayden both won money. We didn't get to see any of that on the feeds, but we did get to see the houseguests cleaning up the mess the jurors made.
Victoria was upset because a necklace of hers got broken and someone scratched out her name on the bathroom door. She was livid about that. I'm assuming it was Zach, given the sendoff she gave him (shredding his hat) and it sounds like the guys all think it was Zach too. Whether or not it was may remain a mystery (or revealed in the episode, perhaps?).
There were lots of grumbles from the houseguests as they cleaned up the mess, talking about how the jury is bitter. Apart from what might have been targeted attack on Victoria's stuff, it really seemed like all in good fun. Well, more fun for the jurors making the mess than for the houseguests that had to clean it up. It'll be interesting to see the rest of the whole event in the episode.
Speaking of which, mind the altered schedule!
Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.