Big Brother 16 Live Feed Spoilers: Who Won The Veto?

The shifted episode schedule is throwing off my whole sense of time as it relates to what's going on in the Big Brother house. But it is an episode day, and those of you who watch tonight's episode will find out who won Head of Household in the Shovel competition rewind, and who they nominated. But do you want to know who won the Veto?
Big Brother Live Feed spoilers ahead!
All of this has happened before... but not like this. Welcome to alternate-reality TV people! Last time around, Frankie won the Head of Household, nominated Cody and Victoria, won the Veto and plotted to send Victoria out. This is a very different week.
Head of Household: Caleb won.
Nominated: Frankie and Victoria
Won the Veto: Cody
I don't think the Veto Ceremony has happened yet. Usually it happens on Monday, but since everything's off and the next eviction is Tuesday -- or airing Tuesday. Is it even happening live? -- the Veto Ceremony will happen today. Either way, odds are very high that Cody will choose not to use the Power of Veto on anyone. The two people most likely to be sent out are already on the block. (Update: The Veto Ceremony has since happened. Cody didn't use it. Noms are the same).
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The plan has always been to try to get Frankie out. Caleb, Cody and Derrick were all ready to do that last week, even before they knew the Rewind was happening. Frankie winning Head of Household and then Veto was a pretty clear sign that he's going to be very hard to beat in the end. There are only so many competitions left, and he's proving that he's able to win when he needs to... well, usually. He didn't win this week. He didn't win Head of Household, and it sounds like he lost pretty badly in the Veto competition.
They don't show the competitions on the feeds, but it sounds like the Rewind Veto was a new version of the face-morph comp. The Houseguests might have been able to see each others scores, which they think might have affected Frankie's concentration. Regardless, Frankie didn't win. And the guys all seem to be in agreement that Frankie needs to go. Caleb would've been Frankie's only support, but Cody and Derrick seem to have Caleb convinced that Frankie wouldn't taken him to the Final 2. They may be right about that. It's looking like we'll never know.
I don't think Frankie knows for sure that he's going, but from the way he's acting, it seems like he knows there's a chance, or at the very least, that it's under consideration. Maybe he's just holding his breath and hoping that -- like the last time Caleb almost tried to get Frankie out -- the guys will change their minds and send Victoria out. The guys have discussed telling Frankie outright that he's going home at some point, but I don't think that's happened yet. If it has, I missed it. Either way, I don't expect it to be a total blindside. And there's always the possibility that something will change between now and the eviction.
Team America
Frankie and Derrick were given a Team America update that has something to do with a $50,000 prize if one or both of them make it to the end. breaks down what happened on the feeds, and the fan panic that ensued as it seemed like maybe this was a last-ditch effort on the part of production to get Derrick to help Frankie get to the end. The information was given to them before the Veto competition, but after Frankie was put on the block. From the sound of it -- this isn't verified, because it happened in the diary room, but from what Frankie and Derrick have talked about -- if a member of Team America wins Big Brother this season, they will get a $50k bonus.
Derrick and Frankie seem to think America voted for this. If there was any kind of vote, I didn't hear about it. It's not a mission though, it's a reward. So as far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't change anything about how either of these guys play the game. They're both trying to win, and if the reported information is true, only the winner gets the $50k. Second place isn't rewarded for Team America.
Unless there's an incentive for both of them to get to the Final 2 -- and if that were the case, Big Brother should've included that information before Donny was evicted -- I don't think it changes anything. How does Derrick benefit from getting Frankie to the end if it means Frankie ends up winning and gets an extra $50k? It doesn't. And it doesn't really help Frankie either, unless Derrick thinks this actually is a Team America mission and he's being encouraged to bring his "Team" member to the end. But if Derrick were playing that way, he would've tried to keep Donny around. Derrick hasn't put Team America's priorities over his game all season. I don't see him changing course to save Frankie.
And I don't think Frankie would try to save Derrick if their roles were reversed and Frankie thought Derrick was a threat to his game. As far as I'm concerned, that's just fine. The houseguests shouldn't have to put the imposed "Twist" ahead of their own game. If they can work the Twist to benefit their game, great, but if not, game > twist. Derrick seems to know that already though, so I'd be surprised of this Team America mission reward changes any of his plans.
Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.