Big Brother 16 Watch: Be Kind, Rewind - And A Head Of Household Spoiler Update

If the Big Brother houseguests had the chance to do the last week over again, would they change anything? We're about to find out. As anticipated, the Big Brother "Rewind" twist went into play tonight. Not only did we find out exactly how the twist would work, but Julie also filled us in on what's coming up for the next couple of episodes.
The downside to this twist is that it means we just went through a whole week's worth of game without anything to show for it. Frankie has been comp-winning his way toward almost dominating this season, and this setback could certainly slow that progress by a week's worth of wins. That's assuming he doesn't win tonight's Head of Household and the Veto competition next week.
To run through tonight's events, the episode offered some filler, including a montage of Derrick scaring Cody. We got to see Victoria's efforts to help Derrick's game, since she couldn't save her own, and we got to see the houseguests react to watching themselves freak out over the mouse. There was a jury segment that made me wish the rewind went back far enough to put Zach, Nicole, Hayden and Donny back in the game. Jocasta also, if only for her positivity. Then there were the speeches, which included Victoria taking another shot at Derrick, and then the Rewind, which cancelled tonight's eviction and reset the week. Also one of Big Brother's best players ever -- Season 10 and 14's Dan Gheesling -- returned to share some insight into Derrick's game play.
Victoria's Big Brother game is virtually nonexistent. We might even go as far as to suggest that this "princess" should be paying rent to stay in this house all summer while the game happens around her. But I think she earned her spot for the theatrics revealed in tonight's episode. That includes turning on the fake waterworks as she sat with Frankie and told him how mad she was at Derrick for siding with the guys and planning to vote her out. Did Frankie buy that? He seemed on to Derrick's efforts to distance himself from the other three guys. We saw him say as much in the diary room. But there was no indication that he saw through Victoria's fake tears.
Victoria's next bit of entertainment came during a live portion of tonight's show when she answered Julie's question about the state of the house by calling out Caleb and Frankie for their messiness.
And finally, when it came time for her to vote, she took another shot at Derrick for his betrayal. It's a mark of her sincere loyalty that she'd take that step to help Derrick seem like he has at least one major hater on the jury. Nothing makes a houseguests more appealing to other houseguests looking for a second-place partner in the Final 2.
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Jury Time
We got caught up with the jurors, who seem to be getting along swimmingly in their luxurious secluded home. Zach even received his very own pink hat for his birthday. And then Christine showed up and was immediately burned with a cold-shoulder reception, about on par with the audience's reaction when she was evicted. Ok, no one booed her as she stepped out onto the terrace to join her fellow jurors, but their lack of enthusiasm over her arrival apparent. And the situation only got more awkward inside, when they watched the competitions and at one point, Hayden said, "Do you have a thing for dinosaurs now?" -- presumably a nod to Cody's costume. And then Donny added, "Do you have an attorney." No punches pulled with this crowd.
I like to imagine that things will warm up for Christine in the jury house. The game is over for her, after all, and she's in the same position as everyone else she's living with. In the meantime, it's game on inside the house, with all five houseguests still competing.
Be Kind, Rewind
Just as Derrick was being sent in to cast his vote during the live portion of the show, the countdown ran out and the siren sounded. Julie announced to the houseguests that the last week never happened, and they were going back in time. (Does this mean Jeff and Jordan never got engaged?!) That means no one is evicted, Derrick is once again the outgoing Head of Household -- he was the HoH in the Double Eviction last Thursday -- and Cody, Victoria, Frankie and Caleb get to redo the seed-shovel Head of Household competition all over again.
So they're not only starting the week over, but they're playing the exact same competitions? Frankie could actually win this seed thing all over again, put up Cody and Victoria, win the Veto and Victoria goes. Or maybe we'll get to see an alternate version of this week where someone else wins. And last week will truly be a lost week of what-ifs. Ok, that's actually kind of cool. But we'll see how it all plays out. (We actually have the HoH results for you on Page 2 of this article!)
As Julie laid it out at the end of tonight's Big Brother episode, the Rewind Twist will continue on Sunday's episode, and the jurors will make a surprise return to the house -- why? who knows, but it sounds entertaining. On Tuesday we'll see the Veto competition and the next eviction. Then on Wednesday, we'll see the second eviction of the week, which will bring the houseguests down to three. How will all of this play out on the live feeds? Not sure, but we'll know soon enough, I'm sure. Check out the dates/times here.
Want to know who won the Head of Household? Find out after the jump!
Feeds came back on and Caleb has the Head of Household key around his neck. Looks like we're in for a different week... possibly very different, if Caleb decides to try to get someone else out.
Kelly joined CinemaBlend as a freelance TV news writer in 2006 and went on to serve as the site’s TV Editor before moving over to other roles on the site. At present, she’s an Assistant Managing Editor who spends much of her time brainstorming and editing feature content on the site. She an expert in all things Harry Potter, books from a variety of genres (sci-fi, mystery, horror, YA, drama, romance -- anything with a great story and interesting characters.), watching Big Brother, frequently rewatching The Office, listening to Taylor Swift, and playing The Sims.