Biggest Loser Watch: Week 9
Last week, the Black Team – who hadn’t had to send anyone home for three full weeks – had their winning streak finally come to an end, and on the worst possible week. For this was a double-elimination week, you see. After losing a critical challenge, the parents on the Black Team (Marci, Jesse and Deni) decided to do the parental thing and engineered it so they would gain weight rather than lose it, thus keeping their kids safe. Deni gained a full eight pounds and fell below the Red Line and was automatically eliminated; Arthur’s dad Jesse was voted out a few minutes later. Fourteen remain, and once again the teams are even at seven members each.
It seems to be a theme this season that some dramatic announcement is made immediately after an Elimination, and this week is no exception. After Jesse has departed, Alison brings the Red Team in. They’re all expecting some more bad news, but that doesn’t last long. Alison announces that everyone is going back home, not just for one week but for two. Family, loved ones, the whole shebang. And, of course, all the temptations that caused their weight problems in the first place. When they return, they will weigh in (after competing in a 5K race), and it will be fairly easy to see who succumbed to temptation and who didn’t.
Since the contestants are going to be spending the meat of this episode apart, without their trainers, the best way I can break down their experiences at home is by the team’s original colors. Of course, it’s a given that all the contestants are warmly greeted by huge crowds of friends and family, and, when you compare how they look now to how they looked two months ago, some of the changes are just staggering.
Arthur (Portland, OR) . Before revealing himself to his hometown at his daughter’s elementary school, Arthur relates a touching story about how he once asked his daughter if she was too ashamed of her dad’s weight to be driven to school by him, and she answered with a resolute “no”, which is sweet. Arthur goes back to the gym where he lost the first 140 pounds of his journey, and makes good use of his father’s company, which is only temporary now. Jesse is very contrite about his previous drug and alcohol abuse, which is what caused the breakup of his marriage and Arthur’s subsequent weight gain.
Ken and Austin (Pasadena, CA). The trip home coincides with Austin’s 21st birthday, happily. His friends throw him a party at a bowling alley, which looks like fun. Of course, his friends are chowing down on pizza, cheese fries and beer while Austin can only watch, which has gotta suck. And his birthday cake is a chocolate cheesecake, which looks like it has about two million calories in it. Austin seriously contemplates having a piece, but thankfully turns it down.
Marci and Courtney (Valparaiso, IN). Marci’s husband and Courtney’s father Kevin is simply amazed by Courtney’s progress (remember, she started out well into the 400’s the year before coming on the show). Being home, Courtney goes right back to work in her family’s ice cream shop, where she is surrounded by French fries, soft serve and unlimited toppings. However, she is confident that the allure of unhealthy food will not retake her.
Hannah (Nashville, TN). Hannah takes her parents to the gym, and she experiences flashbacks to when she was a champion athlete in volleyball, some of which we see through actual footage. With the help of one of her gym’s trainers, she and her folks engage in some two-on-two volleyball action. Hannah’s a little rusty, to be sure, but her dad talks her into trying some overhand serves, and she recaptures a little of the magic, which was cool to see.
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Olivia (Queens, NY). Olivia’s husband Ben has also been losing weight, and has dropped 57 pounds since Olivia left (two pounds fewer than her, ironically). Finding a place to exercise is a little problematic in Queens, however, so she has to take the subway to Central Park, which is quite a hike in itself… not to mention the fact that this was recorded in the middle of WINTER. Still, Olivia and Ben make the cutest jogging partners.
Justin and Rulon (Logan, UT). Damn, Rulon has got one hawt wife. Other than their greeting and goodbye, however, we see nothing of Rulon and Justin.
Moses and Kaylee (Shelley, ID). When reunited with his wife, Anita, Moses relates that he was hospitalized two years ago for a tumor on his kidney, and it was a heartfelt plea from Anita that gave Moses the resolve to keep going. Moses also promises that he is going to win this year, which could definitely happen, because he’s in first place as we speak, with 26.8% of his weight lost.
Irene (Portland, OR). Irene was so happy to be reunited with her mother Ana, who got voted out in Week 1. She spent a lot of her time at home running, which she was doggedly determined to due regardless of how inclement the weather was.
Jennifer (Long Branch, NJ). We don’t see much of Jennifer except training for the 5K. She reminds us how she’s still the outsider on the Red Team, and that if she doesn’t win immunity and her team loses she will definitely be the one voted out.
Sarah (Salt Lake City, UT). Sadly, Sarah’s home visit got almost no post-edit camera time. Hope that isn’t an omen.
When the group returns to the ranch, we learn that the 5K they are to run is similar to the 5K they had to run as teams on the first day. If you remember, the order that they finished was the order that they got to decide if they wanted to train with Bob and Jillian or take a flyer with two then-unknown trainers (Brett and Cara). This time, the stakes are the same, except that the contestants would be running – and picking – as individuals, not team members. Wow. This could mean that the teams may look completely different by the time we’re finished.
Instead of going through how everyone finishes, I’ll just sum it up. Pretty much everyone on the Red Team except Jennifer is more than happy with Brett and Cara, and pretty much everyone on the Black Team is happy with Bob and Jillian, so the only real drama was, if Jennifer got to choose her own destiny, who from the Black Team would be sent over to the Red. Fortunately for Jennifer, she was the fourth to finish, so she did indeed opt to switch back over to the Black Team. And unfortunately for Arthur, whose stumpy legs are not exactly 5K material at the point, he had the bat taken out of his hands and will be joining the Red Team. So, it took a month, but karma did indeed come back around to bite Arthur’s tush. And it should also be said that the Black Team is now entirely female, whereas the Red Team is entirely male except for Kaylee.
When Bob finds out that Arthur has had to switch teams, he is not happy. Arthur himself looks like he’s about to face a firing squad. Brett and Cara, awesomely, welcome Arthur onto the Red Team and promise that they’ll take care of him. Well, that will all depend on the weigh-in. Here’s how it went for the all-girl Black Team:
Black Team
Marci - lost 15 pounds (14 net), -7.73%, now stands at 167 (-71 overall).
Jennifer - lost 16 pounds (14 net), -6.64%, now stands at 197 (-81 overall).
Olivia - lost 12 pounds, -5.94%, now stands at 190 (-71 overall).
Hannah - lost 11 pounds, -5.70%, now stands at 182 (-66 overall).
Irene - lost 10 pounds, -5.13%, now stands at 185 (-70 overall).
Sarah - lost 10 pounds, -4.90%, now stands at 194 (-67 overall).
Courtney lost 10 pounds, -3.91%, now stands at 246 (-77 overall).
Team Total: 81 pounds, -5.62%
Holy schnikes. Jennifer had to have a big number after gaining weight last week, but this was off the charts. I’m so proud of her. What amazing numbers from the women. Granted, these numbers reflect two weeks of effort instead of one, but for everyone to be in double digits is just incredible. Everyone is happy, but Marci is sad that her big number may be responsible for helping to send Arthur home. And if the Red Team can’t collectively lose at least 121 pounds, that is what will probably happen.
Red Team
Rulon - lost 17 pounds, -4.63%, now stands at 350 (-124 overall).
Arthur - lost 16 pounds, -3.94%, now stands at 390 (-117 overall).
Austin - lost 10 pounds, -3.34%, now stands at 289 (-107 overall).
Justin - lost 8 pounds, -2.96%, now stands at 262 (-103 overall).
Ken - lost 5 pounds, -1.72%, now stands at 286 (-91 overall).
Moses - lost 5 pounds, -1.55%, now stands at 317 (-123 overall).
Kaylee - lost 1 pound, -0.56%, now stands at 179 (-54 overall).
Team Total: 62 pounds, -2.85%
I’m so happy that Arthur had a fantastic week, but Rulon had a better one, which means that Arthur is fair game. Arthur puts a game face on and says he’s proud of the fact that he’s now dropped over 250 pounds since starting his journey, but seems resigned to the fact that he’s going home. Jillian screams at him to fight to stay there. Bob beseeches the Red Team not to send him home simply because he’s not part of the Red Team’s “alliance”, because he’s still got so much farther to go.
Kudos. To Olivia, Jennifer and Sarah, for breaking out of the 200’s (hopefully for good). To Marci, for losing the second-highest single-episode percentage of the season (only Moses’ 41-pound drop in Week One, or 9.32%, was higher). To Justin and Austin, for going over the 100-pound mark in weight lost.
Elimination. Bob’s pleas did not fall on deaf ears, because many of the Red Team members contemplated actually keeping Arthur there. I would have been in favor of sending Kaylee home, not because I don’t like her, because I totally do, but she’s under 180 pounds, her numbers are getting smaller every week, and she is in dead last in total percentage lost among the remaining contestants, so she’s no threat to win the prize. But even so, it’s Arthur that gets the unanimous vote. Crap. I wasn’t fond of his gamesmanship at the wrong times, but I am so sorry to see him leave.
Standings. Marci has taken over the lead with 29.8% lost. Jennifer is right behind at 29.1%, followed by Justin (28.2%), Moses (28.0%), Irene (27.5%), Olivia (27.2%) and Austin (27.0%).
Update. Since returning home, Arthur has totally kicked butt and dropped another 55 points, and now stands at 345, a full 301 pounds below his weight from two years ago. He walks the 5.5 miles to the gym every morning and home again, and then has the energy to work out again in the evening AND play with his kids. His goal is to lose yet another 100 pounds by the finale. You go, Arthur!
Next week: While the contestants’ physical forms have been changing, how much have their minds changed? The trainers use their degrees in psychology to probe deeper.
My Personal Journey. Two months ago, on New Year’s, I made a resolution to start exercising, eat better and lose weight. In January, I was able to drop 10 pounds. In the just-completed month of February, I was able to lose an additional 9 pounds, and now stand at 243. Hopefully, I will be into the 230’s by mid-March. Wish me luck!