Doctor Who Releases First Image Of Peter Capaldi On Set

Suited up in Matt Smith’s finest, Peter Capaldi took to the stages of the BBC in Cardiff to begin filming the eighth season (also known as "series" for all you Brits) of Doctor Who. Because time wants for no man or Time Lord — and there’s a show to create, after all!
Though this is certainly not the first time we’ve seen Capaldi pop up prior to his official takeover: his eyes appeared in the show’s 50th Annviersary special, The Day of The Doctor prior to his [newly acquired] regeneration from the Eleventh Doctor, the aforementioned Smith, in the Christmas special, The Time of The Doctor.
Standing beside companion Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman), Capaldi looks more like the mad alien space-and-time traveler than we’d previously seen — though we’re really dying to see what Twelve’s signature costume is going to be.
Arriving on set in Cardiff to begin filming, Capaldi was filled with much of the same worries as us regular humanfolk experience: “New job, first day, slightly nervous. Just like the Doctor, I'm emerging from the TARDIS into a whole other world.” Executive Producer/Head Writer Steven Moffat, added: “First the eyebrows! Then, at Christmas, the face! Coming soon, the whole Doctor. In the Cardiff studios, the Capaldi era begins.”
Details surrounding the highly anticipated new reason are scarce, but here’s what we do know. The first episode was written by Moffat, the second episode by Phil Ford who wrote “The Waters of Mars” from David Tennant’s run as the Tenth Doctor. Fans of the series will note that this was a highly character-centric story, leading us to believe that it’ll be the second episode that will define the Capaldi era of Who. After all, they’ll probably be too busy teaching Twelve how to fly the TARDIS again in that first episode for much else. Both episodes will be directed by Ben Wheatley, who is most known for his work directing comedy in the UK, perhaps an indication of the tone the forthcoming series will encapsulate? Filming will take place in Cardiff until August 2014.
There’s no word on whether or not Twelve’s come to accept the color of his kidneys, though.
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