NBC Loves The Aristocrats

Once upon a time there was a joke. Probably the dirtiest joke you've never heard. And in this time, once ago, a documentary was made about this joke, featuring about 100 comics telling their versions of this timeless treasure of a joke.

Cut to 2006, where NBC airs several game shows including: 'Deal or No Deal,' '1 VS. 100,' and 'Identity.' Curiously, these shows are all hosted by “aristocrats.” Normally, an aristocrat is merely a person of status, royalty, or wealth. However, since the documentary, titled 'The Aristocrats,' hit the theaters, any comedian represented on the disc is given the title of “aristocrat.” This is mainly due to Penn Jillette (host of 'Identity') having a daily hour-long radio show.

Penn invites his friends, many “aristocrats,” to guest appear on his radio show. He has had Bob Saget on the show. Saget hosts '1 VS. 100.” I bet you can guess who else has been on the show. That's right, Howie Mandel, host of the infectious 'Deal or No Deal.' It seems as if NBC has a love affair with dirty comics.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean dirty in a personal sense. These three men are all well respected members of the entertainment industry. Saget, however, is known as a potty-mouthed, dirt-covered, pedophilic, necrophilic, scatological, satirist. But that is beside the point. All three game shows air on NBC at 8 PM, different nights of the week. There isn't much point to discussing the days because 'Identity' is brand new and is featured this week as a test-run. 'Deal or No Deal' is normally on Mondays, but can be seen pretty much anytime NBC is in trouble for ratings. '1 VS. 100' airs after 'Deal' on Mondays, but can also be found on Fridays.

The ridiculousness in the scheduling is just another statement for how much NBC loves potty-mouthed comedians. Kudos, NBC, for putting men who can tell outstanding versions of a very dirty joke on prime time evening television. Yes!