Orphan Black's First Look At Season Two: 4 Things To Get Excited About

If you’re a fan of BBC America’s original series Orphan Black, the wait for season two has felt like an especially torturous one. Because while you were summer vacationing, the rest of the world got hip to the show’s radacity and cranked anticipation levels up to eleven. Perhaps it’s because the wonderful way that the sci-fi-ish series tells the story of a series of genetic clones (all played in by the so-good-it’s-stupid Tatiana Maslany, whom you may know from a guest-starring stint on Parks and Recreation) through discussions of the many issues and struggles of our modern world: autonomy, control, nature versus nurture, evolution, and family. Regardless, we're buzzing with anticipation for what's to come.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the show's creators and executive producers, John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, we’re given the first glimpse into what’s in store for our clones. And it seems as though a war’s a-brewin’. Specifically between pro-clone, neolutionist-raised Rachel Duncan, and protagonist clone-with-an-attitude Sarah Manning, given that whole gun-in-the-face aspect of the image above. You're damn right Sarah Manning's on top of things!
But there is a ton more to get excited about, and we’ve broken down the biggest takeaways from the interview, below.
1.) The (Self-Directed?) Evolution of Rachel Duncan
With the loss of fan-favorite, the angriest little feral clone that ever was Helena, there’s room for more Maslany clone-acting, and we will see that in the unfolding history of Rachel Duncan. Explained Manson, the series has “Right off the bat we’ve really hit the ground running. … As for Rachel, we did leave last season knowing that Rachel was a child of Neolution, therefore much connected to the origins of the experiment. So I think Rachel is going to help to open a window for us and we ’re going to begin to understand a lot more about the conspiracy.”
“I think you could probably tell from the end of season one that Rachel’s got a little bit of heavy to her,” added Fawcett. “And I think what’s interesting to us is that we’re having fun creating a new character this season who isn’t just a heavy. There’s other aspects to her. And that’s been a really fun developing a new girl.”
But it's not just a one — or even two — dimensional thing, “No one is just who they seem on Orphan Black. That’s the most important thing,” stated Manson. “Maybe things get set up as kind of a cliché or as one thing, but we’re always trying to bend it and find the layers to keep it fresh and original.”
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Still, there's one thing for certain: homegirl is a baddie. With a twist? “Even as a villain, Rachel is going to hold a lot of surprises for us. She’s been a really fun nemesis for Sarah,” stated Fawcett.
2.) Rachel and Sarah Will Be at Odds
No surprise there, eh? Especially considering how things ended — Rachel Duncan does not seem like one to take “no” for an answer and Sarah Manning certainly doesn’t answer to anyone. Turns out you won’t have to wait long to see the tension mount between these two. “Our launching framework for season 2 is really the war between Sarah and Rachel,” explained Fawcett.
3.) Yes, Cosima is Still Sick
Fans were heartbroken to see that the scientifically minded Cosima Niehaus was very ill at the end of season one, finally admitting the fact to monitor-turned-lover-turned-confidant, Delphine. And apparently there’s much more to come from that storyline than merely a prognosis.
“One of the big things we’re going to have to deal with in season 2, which is finding its own twists and turns, is Cosima’s illness,” said Fawcett. “And that is a very pressing bit of drama that is not just straight ahead. It’s got a lot of mystery to it. It’s got a lot of twists and turns to it and it is thematically a big part of season 2 also.
It’s not just biology that comes into play, though: there’s mystery afoot, as well, as explained by Manson: “It’s a genetic mystery. It’s a genetic biological mystery and it feeds into some of our body horror and it feeds into our science mystery.” (Personally I think it's going to involve Kira and her seemingly magical immune system/body, because how is it possible that girl could've survived that car accident?)
4.) There Will Be More Clones
Of course the biggest question on everyone’s mind is: will we see more clones? The show lives and dies on the very talented, extremely hard-working shoulders of its star, Maslany, and half of the excitement of the show comes from seeing her embody and define these fully realized characters that are, at the same time, different and unique from one another, despite initial physical similarities. So, will we be getting more clones from around the world? Hell to the yes. “I think of course it’s safe to assume that. We are really excited about doing that."
But don't expect them to come easy. "We want to do it in a way that is unexpected. We want to do it at a time that’s unexpected. But it is obviously something that we talk about a lot. And it’s part of the fun of making Orphan Black and making a show about clones is that we can be having those discussions. We have some surprises in store.
Needless to say, the mystery and excitement of the upcoming season is just about the only thing keeping us sated as we wait the long, cold, cruel months before season two hits our screens. Hurry back — we can’t wait much longer for Felix and Alison’s buddy-comedy work. Or Cosima’s geeky tirades. Or Sarah’s angry determination. Or pretty much anything that has to do with our beloved Clone Club.
Orphan Black returns to BBC America on April 19, 2014.