Parks and Recreation 100th Episode Has Henry Winkler And A Lot Of Memories

Good news, friends and residents of Pawnee, Indiana: Parks and Recreation returns to NBC this Thursday. And with that comes a bevy of reasons to celebrate and get excited for the second half of one of the most charming and hilarious comedies on television. Not only because it’s the 100th episode of the series — a major milestone for any show: hello, syndication rights — but because we’ve been promised more Henry Winkler and Ben Schwartz as the men of House Saperstein. Oh, and there’s also a video of cast reflections on the series thus far. We’re chockablock with Parks, and it feels so good.
Jean-Ralphio (Schwartz) posted the clip of himself and his TV dad on Twitter early on Tuesday, and it gave us both insight into how father and son spend their days (watching cartoons wearing matching pajamas, natch) and an exciting plot development: the sex of soon-to-be-departing Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones) and Chris Traeger’s (Rob Lowe) baby. Sorta.
Because as it turns out, seems that Dr. Saperstein has what we call chicken scratch for handwriting, making his documentation of the baby’s gender completely and utterly useless.
Should you be more in the mood for nostalgia, though, the cast also recently sat down to talk about their favorite moments from the series’ 100-episode history. It’s a nice way to look back, especially considering the new direction the series is bound to take following the results of “Recall Vote.” In a new video released by BuzzFeed on Tuesday, everyone was on hand to giggle and dance (thank you, Perd Hapley, for everything forever) their way through the memories of storylines gone by.
"I have so many favorite moments in the last 100 episodes. I'm a sucker for all group scenes obviously," Poehler said in the video. Her particular moment of joy came from the episode that found the cast on thin ice — literally — at the ice skating rink while her character Leslie Knope was running for City Council. "We were exaggerating slipping a little bit, but Chris Pratt actually really did slip and hurt himself because he refused to listen to everybody's safety advice. But us trying to get on the podium we shot for hours and laughed every time really, really hard. That was super fun."
If you’re a fan of the series you’ll be hard-pressed to not find a favorite moment of your own that made the cast’s list — yes, treat yo’self is obviously involved. From Aubrey Plaza’s refusal to do the interview outside of a tree, to the epic drunk dancing from the days of the Snakehole Lounge, the 19-minute clip is guaranteed to have you amped up for Thursday night.
Parks and Recreation returns with its 100th episode on Thursday, January 9, at 8:30PM on NBC.
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