Price Is Right Contestant In Wheelchair Wins Brand New Treadmill

Talk about a good sport! A recent contestant on The Price is Right who requires the use of a wheelchair scores a treadmill on the show, and her response is priceless. Take a look at the video showing the big prize reveal.
In the short video from a recent episode of The Price is Right, happy contestant Danielle Perez scores a huge prize when she wins a treadmill. The only problem is, Perez needs to use a wheelchair to get around. One would think this could have made the win a little awkward. But not for Perez. The Price is Right winner actually had a laugh about winning her prize, making her one of the best game show contestants ever! Is there a prize for that?
For those who aren’t familiar with how The Price is Right works, contestants first have to guess as close to the correct price of an initial item as possible before getting their singular opportunity to go onstage with host Drew Carey, and vie for bigger prizes.
During this particular segment, you have to love how the announcer is quick in mentioning the treadmill, but then goes on to emphasize the sauna. Clearly, announcer George Gray was sensitive to Perez’s condition, having had his own mishap with a treadmill before, but at the same time, the show has to go one. Everyone is really professional and keeps the segment moving, which speaks volumes about the show. Besides, there was no guarantee that she would actually win the selected prizes, so it was best to proceed as if nothing was indeed awkward about the situation, right? However, her actually winning the treadmill, and particularly her response, just goes to show you what a class act she truly is, not letting an awkward moment like that get the best of her.
Perez’s win actually brings up a good question—or concern—depending on how you look at it. Should game shows like The Price is Right be more sensitive to contestants on the show with respect to prizes being offered? Would it even be possible to have backup prizes in the event that a contestant who requires the use of wheelchair wins a treadmill? I know, it may seem a little silly given that it is a game show and contestants don’t know what kinds of prizes they will be vying for, but it could perhaps help the long-running game show avoid any other slight embarrassments or awkwardness in the future. Luckily for The Price is Right, in the case of contestant Danielle Perez, the contestant found humor in her recent treadmill win, which makes it comfortable for everyone to laugh it off with her, including the game show.
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