The Price Is Right Is Planning A Sweet Mega Wedding Ceremony

The Price is Right has always been one of the most irreverent, unconventional game shows on television. However, lately, it has been embracing the concept of love, trying to guess its proverbial retail price in the form of Baby Showers for expecting couples, salutes to military couples and even a cross-promotional exhibition of match-making with that paired up single contestants as potential paramours. However, their next event will feature several couples who ready to “come on down” and tie the knot right there in the studio!
The venerable game show will be holding a Mass Wedding Special this coming week, on March 31. Yes, in what will surely be an obscene spectacle (in a good way,) the show’s producers will apparently corral a collection of (presumably) willing couples into the studio for their nuptials. Hopefully, the staff's organizational skills will keep things tight for the presumably numerous tiers of knots, who will collectively say their vows on TV. While they probably shouldn’t expect members of the audience to come bearing gifts, there will actually be plenty of opportunities to earn some freebies, as well, as the couples will reportedly have a chance to win “great prizes.”
So, who, may you ask will be presiding over this bridal bonanza? None other than the host, Drew Carey, himself! Yes, the former comedian and sitcom star-turned game show legacy proprietor actually took the (oddly easy) step of having himself ordained through one of the many online sites who do that sort of thing. Now, the man who set out to prove to the world that “Cleveland Rocks” will preside over a ceremony involving several potentially expensive rocks. For many of the fanatical followers of the program, holding an event that ideally should be one of the definitive moments of their lives squished together in a smaller-than-it-looks studio full of strangers for all the country to witness on television is the kind of homage-paying fandom of which dreams are made.
Does the idea of having a wedding on The Price is Right sound like a price-tag-sporting bandwagon on which you’d like to jump? Is it a proverbial treadmill on which you’re willing to risk falling like announcer, George Gray, potentially breaking your coccyx? Well, there may still be time for you to make that all-too important decision which alters the way you’ll have to do your taxes, among other things.
The Price is Right Mass Wedding episode tapes on March 31 at 8:30am at CBS Television City in Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles and it is apparently open to all willing couples, even non-California residents. The only small caveat is that you need to have your California (and ONLY California) marriage documents with you and ready to be signed. They don’t have time to watch you lollygag with your manila folder full of bills and eviction notices, so prepare to have your shit together, or it’s off to Vegas with you two.
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