Game of Thrones, perhaps more than any other show on television right now, is ripe for porn parodies. It’s got good looking actors, lots of nudity, and a fantasy setting that challenges the characters morality as they deal with the impending doom from supernatural forces and each other. (Is that not why you watch porn?) To demonstrate its popularity, Game of Thrones already has three different porn parodies: Game of Bones, This Ain’t No Game of Thrones XXX, and Gay of Thrones. Clearly, this isn’t enough porn, which is why there’s another parody coming that promises to offer more emphasis on story and visual effects in order to truly capture the source material. This parody is called Storm of Kings XXX Parody and it’s bananas.
Covered in depth by Vanity Fair, Storm of Kings comes from Luxembourg-based adult-film studios Brazzers, who took the weighty challenge of producing a high-quality parody with both hands. Written and directed by Dick Bush (that’s his real name), Storm of Kings follows such beloved characters like John Doe, as well as characters based on Daenerys, Joffrey, and Sansa. Storm of Kings consists of four episodes, each about 35 minutes long. About 10 minutes of each episode are dedicated purely to story – a rarity for porn. The series promises to feature battle scenes, decapitations, dragons, and eventually, sex. The series is surprisingly serious and boasts some strong visual effects with the level of acting you’d expect from porn.
In order to fully immerse the viewer into its Game of Thrones-like world, the porn parody has an impressive budget. According to Brazzers product director Mario Nardstein, a high profile Brazzers production can cost up to $1 million. Comparatively, each episode in Game of Thrones Season 6 costs $10 million. The visual effects and production design on Storm of Kings are admittedly impressive. It genuinely looks like it could be a low-budget Sy Fy show…until all the sex happens.
Interestingly, Dick Bush (again, REAL name) is a true fan of Game of Thrones and chose to end his porn parody the way he thinks the real show will end. I can’t imagine you mind being spoiled about the ending of a porn, so here goes - Storm of Kings ends with John Doe and the Daenerys character ruling on the Iron Throne together. So, at least something Game of Thrones related will have a happy ending.
So, for anyone looking to have a laugh or two, they can find the Storm of Kings on DVD. The next Brazzers production will be released in July and it's Ghostbusters related (in time for the new movie!). For anyone interested in the less sexy version of Storm of Kings, Game of Thrones airs new episodes on Sunday on HBO.
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Matt has lived in New Jersey his entire life, but commutes every day to New York City. He graduated from Rowan University and loves Marvel, Nintendo, and going on long hikes and then greatly wishing he was back indoors. Matt has been covering the entertainment industry for over two years and will fight to his dying breath that Hulk and Black Widow make a good couple.

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