TV Recap: Celebrity Apprentice - Chicken Of The Sea

What a shock – Joan decided to come back. The first 8 minutes of the show are devoted to what a couple of psychos Melissa and Joan are, and how no one thinks Joan will come back. Yeah, sure enough, she shows up, right on time for the task. I think she staged the whole damn thing so she could make it to her botox appointment.
The task is for Chicken of the Sea – they’ve got to do a jingle. Annie and Brandy freak out a little, because KOTU has Clint, a Grammy-award winning artist. Brandee says, “HOLY S-R-A-P.” I’m not sure what srap is, but I think she’s right.
Brandee and Annie are pretty sure they’re screwed. They aren’t musically inclined, and since boobs don’t count on this task, AND because Trump is firing three people tonight, chances are they are both gone.
Annie scores by asking for keywords, and about their target market. They are cool with the 30-second spot, but the jingle is still worrying them.
KOTU is pretty confident with the jingle that Clint comes up with, though it may be a little melancholy. Jesse calls Clint narcissistic, and calls Joan a geriatric comic. Seriously, Jesse is priceless. I love this guy. During the editing of the music, Joan pushes Clint to add, “cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, splash….” and while it sounds more like Joan’s career than a valuable part of the ad, Clint says no.
Blah, blah, blah – they work on their jingles. Then they work on their spots….
KOTU and Athena both perform their jingles and spots, and after Trump drags it out a bit, we find out that Athena somehow pulled it out of their butts and won. Annie cries, Clint mans up and gets the boot.
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Joan refuses to talk to Annie or Brandee, and Jesse asks if they want to play checkers or something. Suddenly, the secretary calls them out, and it’s time for the next round.
Next up is an interview for each of the final four with the previous Celebrity Apprentice winner, Piers Morgan.
We don’t see a lot of the interviews, but we do see what Piers has to say. Brandee is too pretty and not smart enough. Joan is too old and too emotional.
Piers believes Annie is the smartest of the bunch, but she’s always “playing the game.” Piers is convinced there is more to Jesse than meets the eye, because why would Sandra Bullock choose him if there wasn’t? He questions the fact that Jesse didn’t bring in any money, and Jesse explains that his wife and him keep their business and personal lives separate.
So, back to the boardroom to narrow it down to the final two.
Brandee gets the first boot. Trump tells her she’s a nice girl, but she’s not going to be winning this competition.
Who’s next? Well, I’ll just skip the crap, and tell you. Jesse was fired because Trump thinks he won’t raise any money. Jerk.
Next week, we get to find out who wins, the old bitch, or the young one.