Will Whitney Houston Join The X Factor As A Judge?

Fox’s The X Factor is in a state of disrepair. While the program is one of the best-produced, best-cut competition shows in recent memory, the judges' bickering and complete inability of Season 1 host Steve Jones to keep the show on track likely lost The X Factor some viewers. Attempting to fix some of these issues, Simon Cowell cleaned out many of the shows mainstays, nixing Jones and firing female judges Nicole Scherzinger and Paula Abdul.
With so many vacancies, The X Factor has a lot of shoes to fill. Now it seems that the show may have chosen one hell of a pair of shoes to start the hiring process. According to THR, Whitney Houston is being considered for one of the empty X Factor judges slots. The idea is not as far-fetched as it at first seems. Houston actually does have some connections with Cowell, having performed in 2009 on the U.K. version of the show. But will she actually join the cast as a judge?
It is a little questionable. Rumors have abounded in recent weeks of everyone from Beyonce to Mariah Carey being potentially offered contracts for Season 2 of The X Factor. While having Houston on is far less ridiculous than the idea of new moms Carey or Beyonce taking on the role, until there is official news from Fox I would consider any casting news to be a rumor. Either way, I am excited to see who The X Factor does end up locking in for Season 2.
Update: Shortly after this story was written, the world was informed that Whitney Houston passed away. Her voice will always bring chills and goosebumps to her legions of fans. TV Blend's thoughts go out to her daughter. You can read about it here.
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