Big Brother 26: America's Vote Is Activated, And Everyone Should Consider Voting For One Houseguest Over All Others

Warning! The following contains spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds and latest episode as of Wednesday, August 7th. Stream the feeds with a Paramount+ subscription on Pluto TV, and read at your own risk!

Big Brother 26 is only three weeks in, but the fans are getting a big chance to impact the game ahead of the next eviction. Makensy Manbeck found herself on the block toward the end of this episode next to Tucker Laruriers and Kenney Kelley but activated America's Veto to save herself. For the first time this season, we'll have a chance to influence who will battle ahead of the A.I. Arena, and there's only one obvious choice.

I've been streaming Big Brother's live feeds frequently these past couple of days and covered the latest chaos that unfolded after this ceremony that actually occurred on Monday. If you're looking for the Houseguest to vote for on the official voting page that will lead to the most entertaining outcome, then cast a vote for Quinn Martin. As for why, let's dive into that below.

Quinn looking shocked on Big Brother

(Image credit: CBS)

Quinn Martin Was Exposed As A Power Player During The Veto Ceremony

Tucker's attempt to get Cedric Hodges to put up Quinn failed, but he wasn't fully aware of that until after he used his veto to take down Angela Murray. This led to some big fallout between Cedric and Tucker, and apparently, it also came out during this that Quinn was a "power player" in the house with multiple alliances. Their assessment is spot on, and America putting Quinn on the block might make the other Houseguests more wary of him going forward so we don't see him steamroll the competition.

Quinn Still Has The Deepfake HOH, Which He Will Use Next Week If He Wins

Quinn was originally in a tight spot after keeping members of the Pentagon alliance in the dark about his Deepfake HOH, but being the strong player that he is, the Big Brother Houseguest made right on that. He came clean to his main allies Chelsie Baham, Cedric, Cam Sullivan-Brown, and Brooklyn Rivera and added that he will use his power this coming Head of Household to grant them another guaranteed week of safety.

It's a great offer for The Pentagon, so it makes sense why Cedric did that rather than go along with Tucker's plan. With that said, Big Brother fans at home will be in for a boring week if Quinn stays in the game, and potentially even more if The Pentagon begins to slowly pick off the Houseguests as their alliance becomes more of a majority each passing week. If Quinn is gone, however, so is his power, and The Pentagon will be reduced to a square and have a much harder road to controlling the game next week.

Tucker Put His Game On The Line To Take Quinn Out

Tucker made a bold move by volunteering to be nominated for eviction, and it was even bolder when he used his veto to remove Angela from the block. He wants Quinn to be nominated next to him so they can hash it out in the A.I. Arena. I'm of the mind we give Tucker what he wants and wait for the emotion to unfold live when they square off on Thursday night.

If Quinn wins, he likely takes Tucker out of the game as everyone will take him out over Kenney. If Tucker wins, I genuinely think quite a few in the house will take the shot at getting Quinn out over Kenney. If Kenney wins, well, that's going to be a wild vote you don't want to miss! Hey, Kenney won the Week 2 veto, so I'm not ruling him out.

In the case that Kenney leaves, you now have Quinn and Tucker as firm rivals still in the house and battling for another week. Lines will be drawn and I'm sure more drama will follow. I'd love to see Quinn go home, and not just because Tucker and Kenney are on my list of people I think will win Big Brother Season 26. Like I said, there's only one option, so vote Quinn as we wait for Thursday's episode!

Big Brother's live eviction kicks off on CBS on Thursday, August 8th at 8:00 p.m. ET. This will be a can't-miss episode, so make sure you're watching live to see who gets sent home, and who gets one step closer to winning that sweet prize money.

Mick Joest
Content Producer

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.