Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Who Will Probably Get Evicted In Week 10

Warning! The following contains spoilers from the Big Brother 26 live feeds as of Wednesday, September 25th. Stream the live feeds with a Paramount+ subscription or on Pluto TV, and read at your own risk!

We're headed toward a big episode for Big Brother 26, in which the upcoming double eviction will give whoever survives a 1-in-5 chance at $750,000. As such, there's considerable interest in how Makensy "MJ" Manbeck's Week 10 HOH will end, and who will be the next jury member ahead of the wild night.

After days of streaming Big Brother's live feeds, we have a solid idea of the first person who will walk out that door this Thursday and maybe even the second after the double eviction. Before we dive in, it should be noted that MJ won the Week 10 veto competition and used it to remove Kimo Apaka from the block. Leah Peters was nominated next to Angela Murray, and that's who Houseguests will be voting on this week.

With that out of the way, let's get into the eviction and speculate what's coming for the double eviction.

Leah Peters puts her hand over her mouth while looking at the nominations

(Image credit: CBS)

Leah Is Likely To Be Evicted In Week 10

Leah Peters has floated into a position as one of Big Brother's power players, but that's likely ending this Thursday. Some masterful manipulation on Chelsie Baham's part convinced MJ that putting up Leah would be the best decision, and the HOH realized all too late that the move didn't benefit her whatsoever. Unfortunately, Leah is the one who will pay the price for that, and I would say the chances of her outlasting Angela and getting enough votes to stay are slim to none.

Makensy looking displeased in Big Brother

(Image credit: CBS)

Will MJ Survive The Double Eviction?

By now, MJ has realized it might not have been the best decision for her game to put Leah on the block. Granted, I'm not sure she entirely realizes the level of danger she's in and that Chelsie, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Kimo, and Rubina Bernabe have all privately discussed the need to get her out next.

It's about the worst thing for a competitive threat like MJ to face, especially with her HOH win keeping her from competing in the next HOH competition. I would say she has a 90%, if not fully 100%, chance of being nominated in the double eviction, and whether she stays or goes will come down to whether she can win the veto competition.

If she can survive, expect Thursday night to get interesting. I'm sure the backup plan will be evict Angela unless she is the HOH or veto winner. As a former Angela hater who now is a big fan, I'd hate to see her game end that way, though it's hard to imagine her going much further than she's already gotten.

We will see exactly how the night plays out when Big Brother airs its live eviction episode on CBS on Thursday, September 26th at 8:00 p.m. ET. It feels like this week will ultimately decide who will win the whole game, but given how unpredictable this season has been, I have no way of knowing.

Mick Joest
Content Producer

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.