Everybody Calm Down, Michael Jordan’s OK

Michael Jordan during interview with Stephen Curry
(Image credit: Stephen Curry)

Though it’s been decades since Michael Jordan suited up to play in an NBA game, the legendary athlete remains a subject of media speculation. And, just recently, he found himself at the center of rumors regarding his health. Photographers snapped photos of the 61-year-old at a Champions League soccer match, during which his eyes appeared to be yellow-ish. That apparently sparked concerns about Jordan but, now, everyone should calm down – because the businessman is just fine.

After the photos surfaced online, an insider shared details on the matter with DailyMail.com. The person alleged that fans shouldn’t worry about the six-time NBA championship winner. Said person further suggested that there’s a simple explanation for the supposed look in His Airness’ eyes:

Mike is OK. He goes to the doctor, he is just getting older and the recent pics are in no way or should be a reason for concern. Like everyone, we should get a little more exercise and Mike enjoys the life he has made for himself, but there isn't any hidden illness that he is dealing with.

It’s definitely true that Father Time comes for all of us, even Michael Jordan who (in his prime) kept himself in peak physical condition. Before the source made these comments, some speculated that Jordan could be dealing with jaundice. That condition could be brought on by continuous alcohol consumption. While doctors have since disputed that claim, it’s said that Jordan is allegedly “embarrassed” by the assumptions about his well-being. The insider also shared more purported details regarding the hall of famer’s supposed feelings:

He has heard fans’ concerns and he appreciates the concern but also is a little embarrassed that people are seeing him in this way. He doesn't want to be remembered by people as looking sick and down and out, the next time we see him, it will be dramatically different and he will look much better, he will bounce back.

The North Carolina native has long been lauded for his physicality and endurance. His good friend, Magic Johnson, (who he almost played in a pay-per-view match) also praised him. Johnson called Air Jordan the “strongest” athlete he’s ever encountered because of how active he always seemed to be on and off the court. The five-time NBA MVP’s physical prowess was also feared by some of the players who competed against him. Even Shaq admitted to being “terrified” of him during the early part of his career.

Many still consider Michael Jordan to be the GOAT of basketball, and the physicality he displayed is part of the reason why I believe Jordan’s legacy won’t be forgotten. He may not be in the shape that he once was, but you can breathe a sigh of relief, guys, given that he’s reportedly doing well. If anything, this should simply serve as a reminder that we should allow people to age with both grace and dignity.

You can get a sense of Michael Jordan’s past workouts and drive to play basketball by streaming ESPN’s The Last Dance. The ten-part docuseries is currently available to stream with a Netflix subscription.

Erik Swann
Senior Content Producer

Erik Swann is a Senior Content Producer at CinemaBlend. He began working with the publication in 2020 when he was hired as Weekend Editor. Today, he continues to write, edit and handle social media responsibilities over the weekend. On weekdays, he also writes TV and movie-related news and helps out with editing and social media as needed. He graduated from the University of Maryland, where he received a degree in Broadcast Journalism. After shifting into multi-platform journalism, he started working as a freelance writer and editor before joining CB. Covers superheroes, sci-fi, comedy, and almost anything else in film and TV. He eats more pizza than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.