Fans Are Loving Colin Jost For Namechecking A 9-1-1 Duo On Celebrity Jeopardy, And I Can't Get Over Some Of The Reactions

Screenshot of Colin Jost smizing on Pop Culture Jeopardy
(Image credit: Jeopardy!)

In the overcrowded 2025 TV schedule world, game shows rarely break through the noise unless a contestant does something hilarious. However, Prime Video’s Pop Culture Jeopardy! might be the exception. Hosted by Colin Jost, it seems like every episode of the game show manages to do something to catch the attention of the larger public (like Jost's Splash Mountain joke a few weeks ago). And this week’s episode was no different when the SNL Weekend Update anchor namechecked “Buddie,” a popular 9-1-1 ship between best friend firefighters Evan Buckley (Oliver Stark) and Eddie Diaz (Ryan Guzman).

Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman as Buck and Eddie in 9-1-1 Season 7

(Image credit: Disney/Chris Willard)

The category was “Down with the Ship” — ship, in this instance, referring to the idea of fans wanting two or more characters to enter a romantic relationship — and asked the three teams to figure out what show the clue was referring to.

Unfortunately, not a single contestant seemed to be a “Buddie” shipper, nor did they seem to know who the characters Buck and Eddie even were, so the question went unanswered. However, fans of the ship seem to forgive the clueless contestants simply because they’re in shock that the duo was even a question in the first place:

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It’s not that 9-1-1 is a niche show. It’s been on air for eight seasons and even switched networks, moving from Fox to ABC for Season 7. However, most people who tune into the show probably are casual viewers who don’t practice the “art of shipping” characters who aren’t already in a relationship on screen. Thus, namechecking “Buddie," who is not a canon couple (yet), was quite a shock for fans of the pairing who tend to operate outside of the larger 9-1-1 fanbase.

As is common with most fandoms that engage in shipping, the “Buddie” community appeared to be under the impression that they knew everyone who believed Buck and Eddie should be romantically together, because they all interact with each other on various social media platforms. However, hearing the ship name uttered by Jost definitely broke the bubble they’ve created and led to some pretty hilarious reactions.

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The disbelief is not a one-off and it wasn’t long before more and more fans of “Buddie” took to social media to share their reaction to the news their ship had made it mainstream enough to be an answer on the Prime Video game show.

  • you mean to tell me Colin Jost said buddie out loud - @ummrys
  • the absolute silence 😭😭 also the way colin jost said “buddie” gave me chills omg this was national television???!??? - @misspat_17
  • colin jost talking about buddie is real and i didn’t imagine it - @ateotdiaz

While most fans poked fun at their ship becoming exposed to the masses, some took it as a sign that ABC and the 9-1-1 writers do plan to make “Buddie” official eventually. Like Twitter user @fourclaren, who wrote:

hearing colin jost say 'buddie' was all i needed to know that they are endgame 

Eddie and Buck’s relationship has been a topic of conversation amongst 9-1-1 writers and fans for several seasons now. And with Buck realizing he was bisexual in Season 7, many have hoped that this means “Buddie” will be canon at some point in the future, perhaps even by the end of Season 8. Until then, “Buddie” fans can revel in the fact that they love this fictional pairing so much it caught the attention of the Pop Culture Jeopardy! writing team.

You can catch new episodes of Pop Culture Jeopardy! on Wednesdays with a Prime Video subscription. And, if you’re interested in learning more about “Buddie” and 9-1-1, you can tune in to the second half of Season 8 on March 6th, when it returns to ABC, or catch it the next day with a Hulu subscription.

Freelance Writer

Danielle Bruncati is a writer and pop culture enthusiast from Southern California. She earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in Television Writing and Producing from a top film school. Her goal is to one day be the writer on a show/movie covered by Cinemablend, but for now, she's excited to be a Freelance Writer here.

Danielle watches just about everything, but her favorite shows and movies often land in the YA and romantic comedy spaces. When she's not writing, she can be found wandering around Disneyland or hanging out with her laughter-hating corgi.