I'm Into Fans' Ideas For What HGTV Should Do With Tarek El Moussa And Christina Hall’s New Show Now That It Won’t Be A Couples Face-Off With Josh

Tarek El Moussa, Heather Rae El Moussa, Christina Hall and Josh Hall in early promo for HGTV's The Flip/Off
(Image credit: HGTV)

Longtime HGTV superstars Tarek El Moussa and Christina Hall went from being loving co-hosts to feuding exes in front of Flip or Flop fans’ eyes, and are now set to share the screen anew for a somewhat inconceivable battle-of-the-exes competition series. The Flip/Off (as it’s currently called) won’t be part of the 2024 TV schedule, which gives producers enough time to figure out how to replace Josh Hall following that shocking divorce news. But fans may already have the best idea possible.

Had Tarek and Heather Rae El Moussa held off on filming early promos for The Flip/Off with Christina and Josh Hall, their current situation may have been slightly easier to figure out away from the public’s eyes and interests. But considering the “Christina & Heather lookalike” teases were unleashed in May 2024, a little over a month before the divorce reports hit, it makes the behind-the-scenes efforts that much more vital to pull off in a way that will make for enjoyable TV while also not crapping on audience expectations.

But I think many HGTV regulars would fall into agreement with the key suggestion that kept popping up online in posts about The Flip/Off in the aftermath of the divorce filing. Everybody seems to have the same idea for who should step up in Josh Hall’s place now that he exited the project. Here are some of the comments that were shared on Reddit in a post about the former couple’s split:

  • It would be a better show without him. Let Christina and James compete against Tarek and Heather. James is a hoot. - @Amaryllis_Flower
  • Yes, James understands TV, being positive and an encouraging team player. He’s a breath of fresh air, fun and the brains & stability in the series. His kind personality and expertise makes the show. He’s the design professional. He knows how to gingerly show Christina in her best light and not compete with her on air for attention. - @Concierge999
  • James really does bring out the best of her. I wouldn’t have guessed it when he began appearing on the show years ago, but they make a great team and have perfect chemistry. I’d watch him over Josh any day of the week. - @BetMyLastKrispyKreme

And then over on Instagram, where HGTV and Josh Hall himself shared one of the promos for The Flip/Off, fans were similarly vocal about how the new project should handle replacing its now-absent co-star. And their answers were highly similar as well, as seen below.

  • Well since Josh is out of the picture.. I say Tarek & Heather vs. Christina & James. Who's with me????! - @daisyzill
  • Christina! You have to use James as your partner on the new show!!! - @ca_girl.jas
  • Hoping James or Cassie does this with you instead of Josh! 🫶🏼 - @jenna.christine.n
  • You got this. Just let James be your partner. - @nana.ayers

For those who may not be aware, the James being referred to is none other than James Bender, a designer who has worked alongside Christina Hall for years as part of her HGTV series Christina on the Coast and Christina in the Country. He also teamed up with her on the competition series Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge to celebrate Greta Gerwig's smash hit film.

Bender is definitely a joy to watch in just about any capacity, bringing both a wealth of knowledge and a measured and positive personality. And the same definitely can't be said for Josh Hall, whom viewers already wanted off of their TVs even before the divorce news went public.

Christina and Josh Hall were married during a small ceremony in September 2022, which meant their nuptials were less than two years old when they both filed for divorce, with her later referring to him as "an insecure man with a large ego." Her prior marriage to Ant Anstead also lasted fewer than two years, though that split didn't outwardly cause any issues with her ongoing TV projects.

How will HGTV decide to move forward with The Flip/Off without Josh Hall? Only time will tell, but if the network wants to please as many people as possible all in one swoop, they should probably get James Bender on the phone.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.