Ahead Of Final Wheel Of Fortune Episode, Pat Sajak Reflects On Decision To Retire And Reveals What He'd Be 'Perfectly Happy' Doing Next

Pat Sajak smiling while joking with contestant on Wheel of Fortune
(Image credit: Wheel of Fortune YouTube)

Even with all the big shows ending in 2024, arguably the biggest impending change for TV audiences will be Wheel of Fortune bidding farewell to retiring host Pat Sajak, with Ryan Seacrest set to take over those duties at a later date. Sajak’s final episode is set to air on Friday, June 7, and he reflected on that still-surprising decision in a new special interview with his daughter and WoF colleague Maggie Sajak, while also sharing what he hopes to be spending his retirement years ago.

The Sajak father and daughter sat down to look back at his 41 seasons of hosting, which took place across more than 8,000 episodes, and cemented Wheel as one of the best game shows of all time. In an interview clip that aired on ABC’s Good Morning America, the 77-year-old was asked how he’s currently doing in the lead-up to his final Wheel of Fortune episode going live. As he put it:

Surprisingly okay. You know, this was announced a long time ago — almost a year ago — so I’ve had time to sorta get used to it, and it’s been a little bit wistful and all that. But I’m enjoying it and taking it all in and reflecting on a great run.

Though he'd faced retirement questions for years, Pat Sajak previously just danced around them, saying that day would one day come. And then in 2023, in the midst of the Hollywood strikes, he finally made it official, confirming Season 41 would be his last. And while he possibly struggled with it at times early on, almost an entire year has passed since the announcement, and nearly two months have gone by since he filmed his final episodes on April 5. So he's now in a better spot for coping and reflecting.

That said, Pat Sajak sounds like he'd be perfectly capable of jumping back into the host role if something came up, though he admitted there are other things in life that may take precedence now. In his words:

I’ve always said I’d rather leave a couple of years too early than a couple of years too late. Could I still do it? Yeah, I think I could for a while. There’s also some other things in life that we’d like to do. I’m enjoying this last year, and it’s been a great 40 years.

The true test will come a little later, once a little too much time has gone by, and it doesn't just feel like he's dealing with an extended hiatus between seasons. Perhaps once ABC starts heavily promoting Ryan Seacrest's Wheel of Fortune debut.

Pat Sajak apparently has a few ideas in mind for what he could take on next in a professional capacity, but if none of that comes to pass, he'll still consider himself lucky. Although his sentiment was a bit jokier, as he heavily suggested that Maggie Sajak is welcome to have kids at any point, saying:

I’m perfectly happy if it just means I’ll continue with my crossword puzzles and play with grandchildren. Hint, hint hint! No pressure.

Just like a dad to make that kind of comment about his daughter on TV in front of millions of viewers. I'm guessing like-minded comments like "Are you sleeping well? You look tired," were removed from the final cut.

Assuming we won't see Jared Leto returning as faux host in the interim, Wheel of Fortune will bow out with Pat Sajak's final episode on June 7, and will return for Season 42 later this year with Ryan Seacrest taking on the pressure of hosting and teaming up with Vanna White for the first time.

Wheel of Fortune airs in syndication, so check your local listings to see when and where it's airing in your area, and take note that Celebrity Wheel of Fortune will be back in midseason 2025. Before all that, though, head to our 2024 TV premiere schedule to see what else is coming soon.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.