First Look At Stephen King's IT Prequel Welcome To Derry Gives Fans Blood, Balloons, And Pennywise's Creepy Laughter

Pennywise the Clown in IT
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Of all the upcoming Stephen King adaptations currently in progress, TV audiences are almost definitely most excited about the spinoff Welcome to Derry, which will take fans back to an earlier chapter from the world of Andy Muschietti’s IT films. And it’s certainly going to be just as dark and deadly of a chapter as the two timelines that played out in the two films, as proven in brief through a new video showcasing the first footage from not only Welcome to Derry, but the full lineup of HBO and Max’s impending creative efforts.

But even though it may not be a full-blown trailer, our initial peek into this classic horror setting hits all the right notes that one would expect and hope for. We’ve got some blood, we’ve got Welcome to Derry’s young cast members looking severely freaked out, and we’ve got our first floating red balloon, complete with the goosebump-inspiring sounds of Pennywise’s hyuk-hyuk laughter. Check out the big preview trailer below, with the King-friendly footage popping up at the 1:04 mark.

We have our first look at Gotham vet Chris Chalk as some kind of a night watchman or security guard (or possibly a custodian) making a horrifying discovery, and it appears as if he’s in a sewer setting, which would tie up nicely with the way Pennywise first appears to Georgie via curb grating. And that’s not even the only threat Chalk’s character has to deal with, since the 1950s setting comes with some damning caveats hinted at by the “Legion of White Decency” sign attached to Derry’s billboard.

Beyond that, though, IT: Welcome to Derry’s teaser footage is mostly focused on the town’s younger residents in various forms of distress. Screaming while covered in blood? Check. Screaming while inside a movie theater? Check. A fearful look while covered in some kind of shiny goo mixed with blood? Yep, that’s here, too, and I’m very curious what all that gunk is.

But not as curious as I am to see how this new series brings Bill Skarsgård’s Pennywise back into the fold, and all the ways he’ll inevitably torture kids’ minds. While we don’t get a full-on shot of him in the first look, there’s that oh-so-familiar red balloon floating as the creature’s clownish laughter rings out. Not sure how this kid will play into the (deadly) fun and (also deadly) games, but he’s got a killer grin.

Screenshot of creepy smiling kid behind store window as red balloon floats in reflection from IT: Welcome to Derry trailer.

(Image credit: Max YouTube)

IT: Welcome to Pennywise, which isn’t the only upcoming horror TV show on HBO’s future roster, was also showcased on Max’s X page with a standalone first-look clip that features two extra shots that aren’t in the full preview.

Another peek at the slime-covered kid, this time in full dread mode, as well as a shot of various youths rushing at an exit door, though it’s not quite clear where they are. I can’t imagine any place that has red-painted walls in Derry is an extremely comfortable area to hang out in.

Now that we finally have some visuals to ponder over and speculate about, Stephen King fans can look forward to IT: Welcome to Pennywise in earnest while sitting atop Maturin’s shell on the long journey to the horror series’ to-be-determined premiere date on HBO. In the meantime, check out everything still yet to hit the 2024 TV schedule.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.