32 Game Of Thrones Moments That Still Shock Us Today
My jaw is still on the ground.

If you know me, you know I love the HBO show Game of Thrones. I'm a huge fan of fantasy and will always suggest this show as one of the best fantasy TV shows out there because it's so good. But with eight seasons, there are plenty of Game of Thrones moments that still shock us today—so let's get into the ones that still hit years later.
The Red Wedding (Season 3, Episode 9)
I mean, obviously. Whenever anyone thinks of Game of Thrones, The Red Wedding in Season 3, Episode 9 is always the most significant shock we think of. The moment halted television for a good bit of time, and it was all anyone could talk about when two Starks were taken out and several others were killed in the process.
Jon's Death (Season 5, Episode 10)
There's no denying Jon Snow's impact in Game of Thrones, and one of the biggest moments occurs when he dies. His brothers of the Night's Watch betray him for taking in Wildlings to protect them from the Night King and build their armies. They can't move past their biases for the sake of common ground.
Hardhome (Season 5, Episode 8)
I'm pretty sure the Season 5 episode, "Hardhome," altered something in my brain when it first came out because it blew my mind. It's the first time we truly see the Night King in all his power and when he brings back all those soldiers from the dead. There's nothing like it.
Daenerys Eats A Heart (Season 1, Episode 6)
The character arc of Daenerys Targaryen surely needs to be studied for years on end. One of her biggest moments happened in Season 1 when Daenerys must eat a stallion's heart as part of a pregnancy ceremony for the Dothraki. I mean, it's nothing much else but a gross moment, but yeah, it's still pretty shocking.
Khal Drogo's Death (Season 1, Episode 10)
When we talk about Jason Momoa's best TV shows, his time as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones always comes up – he's Khal Drogo, a great ruler of the Dothraki, and made anyone in his presence quiver in fear. So, color me shocked when this man is taken out by an infection in his chest. No glorious battle – just turned into a vegetable by the end, and then Daenerys finished the rest. It's a shame, and it still shocks me now.
Viserion's Death (Season 7, Episode 6)
The dragons in the world of Game of Thrones have always been mystical beings, especially from the beginning, so in all honesty, it would make sense for another mystical creature to kill one of them. Unfortunately, Viserion was destroyed by the Night King himself and turned into an undead dragon. You couldn't get more shocking – and sad – than that.
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Ned Stark's Death (Season 1, Episode 9)
Oh, you knew this would be on here. When Ned Stark was executed in Season 1, I'm pretty sure everyone across the entire planet was not expecting it. I still recall my father yelling at the television, "I thought he was the main character!!" Good memories—and even I now still find it so shocking that he was taken out.
The True Age Of Melisandre Is Revealed (Season 6, Episode 2)
Melisandre became a character in Game of Thrones who stood in the background but played such a vital role in so many powerful lives that she was essentially just as important as everyone else. In Season 6, however, we see just how old Melisandre truly is because when she removes a necklace from her body, she turns her real age—and she is old, old—like centuries old. It's no wonder she's so magical and sketchy.
Daenerys Gets Her Dragons (Season 1, Episode 10)
The final shot of the Season 1 finale of Game of Thrones will forever live on in the TV Hall of Fame. After surviving a burning pyre throughout an entire night, Daenerys emerges from the embers with three newly hatched baby dragons. From there, we see a character literally rise from the ashes and become arguably one of the best characters in TV history.
Sansa's Wedding Night (Season 5, Episode 6)
I'm not going to go into detail about this because just thinking about it makes me sick and still shocks me. Sansa is married to Ramsay Bolton because of Littlefinger, and their wedding night is…not pleasant and quite upsetting to the viewers. If you know, you know. And yes, he got what was coming to him by the end of Season 6.
Rhaegal Getting Speared Out Of The Sky (Season 8, Episode 4)
While Viserion getting taken out by White Walkers almost makes sense, Rhaegal's sudden death shocked me the first time I watched it. Daenerys and the rest of her crew were just souring in the clouds one moment, and then Rhaegal was shot down by Euron and his men. It's messed up – and super sad.
Tyrion Ends Shae (Season 4, Episode 10)
There are plenty of relationships in Game of Thrones, most of which end terribly, and one of the most prominent ones is Tyrion and Shae. While they were certainly lost in murky waters for a bit, Tyrion takes out Shae when he realizes that she betrayed him out of anger—and, in turn, ends her life.
Bran Getting Pushed Out Of The Tower (Season 1, Episode 1)
This is the ultimate shocking moment in Game of Thrones. At the end of the very first episode, Bran mistakenly catches twins Jaime and Cersei together in a tower. Instead of trying to talk the boy into not revealing their intimate secret, Jaime pushes him out of the window to send Bran to his death. Bran doesn't die, but that moment indeed made people keep watching.
Daenerys Burns The Masters (Season 3, Episode 4)
There are plenty of moments in Game of Thrones where Daenerys shows just how powerful she is, and one of my favorites is her in Astapor, where she burns the masters who dared to enslave all the Unsullied. Because of her courage, bravery, and guts to do such a thing after using a ruse to get them all in the same place, the Unsullied follow her, acting as her personal army. It's such a kick-butt, shocking moment.
The Battle Between Jon And Ramsay (Season 6, Episode 9)
You knew I would bring up Episode 9 here of Season 6. The entire battle between Jon's forces and Ramsay's forces was the epitome of shock, and out of every fight in Game of Thrones, this one stands out as one of my favorites. How can it not? That one-take moment of Jon fighting soldier after soldier, body to body, hands down, makes this battle stand out.
The Sept's Explosion (Season 6, Episode 10)
Cersei is a character who has appeared in many Game of Thrones episodes, and she always has some scheme up her sleeve, no matter what. One of her best – and most shocking – is when she blows up the entire Sept of Baelor with Wildfire from underneath the ground. She not only takes out a whole religious sect but almost all of the Tyrells in one fell swoop. However, her son also jumps out of a window afterward, thanks to the grief of losing his wife in the explosion, so it's a win-lose situation.
Sansa Arriving With The Vale (Season 6, Episode 9)
Sansa's character arc in Game of Thrones stands out, and watching her become even more powerful as time goes on is one of my favorite things about the show. When things seem bleak during the battle between Jon and Ramsay and their men, Sansa arrives with backup from the Vale, the final push for a win for the North—all thanks to the connections she has made. Now that's a character arc for you.
Jon Snow Is Actually A Targaryen (Season 6, Episode 10)
Okay, so the Targaryen family tree is intense and crazy, but remember when we discovered Jon Snow was a Targaryen? The finale of Season 6 revealed this crazy moment to us, and while it certainly set up a lot of craziness for what was happening in Seasons 7 and 8, the news shocked the world as a whole to discover that Jon is not just an ordinary boy, but a prince.
Littlefinger Forcing Lysa Out The Moon Door (Season 5, Episode 7)
Littlefinger does these things; none of us should be shocked, but of course, he winds up pushing Lysa Arryn out of the Moon Door of her home. Honestly, Littlefinger is that person who will do anything for power, but it still shocked me to see him so ruthlessly take out Lysa despite her being, well, Lysa and having her issues.
Arya's Revenge Against The Freys (Season 7, Episode 1)
Arya Stark is hands down one of the most powerful Starks, and you can see that entirely in the first episode of Season 7. After spending ages across the sea and learning the ways of the Faceless Men, Arya not only takes out the head of House Frey but wipes out the entire house in general. It's shocking but one of her best moments, and it makes me proud to always be an Arya supporter.
Arya Slays The Night King (Season 8, Episode 3)
Arya's best moments genuinely come from all throughout the show, but I have to say the epitome of her being a fabulous protagonist is when she takes out the biggest villain of the show – the Night King. She uses a dagger to stab it into his heart using a fancy little hand trick, ending the White Walkers one moment. She saved the entire world. That's my girl.
Ygritte's Sad Demise (Season 4, Episode 9)
Relationships don't work out all that often in Game of Thrones, and while the actors who played Jon and Ygritte are married in real life and have a happy ending, their characters do not. During the attack at the Wall in Season 4, during Episode 9, Ygritte is shot in the heart by Olly, a young recruit of the Night's Watch. Jon, despite being her enemy at this point, holds his former lover in his arms as she passes, and yes, I'm still crying years later.
Daenerys Burning Down King's Landing (Season 8, Episode 5)
I think everyone who watched Season 8 was rooting for Daenerys not to turn mad, but it happened, and we have to live with it. Of course, the shocking moment I have to point out is her absolutely leveling Kings Landing with her dragons when she takes on Cersei's forces. She also inadvertently kills Cersei and Jaime in the process. And you know what? I'd still fight for her—forever, my queen.
Theon Greyjoy, Lyanna Mormont And More Die In The Battle Of Winterfell (Season 8, Episode 3)
As the final season, Season 8 featured plenty of significant deaths, but none as much as the third episode, where we saw many people pass in the Battle of Winterfell against the White Walkers. Theon Greyjoy, Lyanna Mormont, Jorah Mormont, Wun-Wun, and many others are taken out, and it still shocks me. I'm just glad that Bella Ramsay, who played Lyanna, is still on HBO as part of The Last of Us, but seeing her so young – certainly does something to you.
Daenerys Riding A Dragon For The First Time (Season 5, Episode 9)
The dragons have always been a big part of Game of Thrones, and in the ninth episode of Season 5, we finally see Daenerys ride one. At this point, Drogon is large enough to hold someone on his back, and Daenerys uses this to escape from her death at the Fighting Pits in Meereen. This moment forever lives in my mind and is still shocking but awesome to watch.
Jon Hanging The Men Of The Night's Watch (Season 6, Episode 3)
I mean, we know that Jon wasn't just going to let the people who killed him live, but I think we're all just conditioned to him being such a great person that this moment was indeed where we begin to see a shift in his demeanor, just slightly. He takes the four traitors, including Olly, and hands them for what they did. He even gives up being Lord Commander after that, with the bodies in the background. It's still shocking even now.
Tyrion Demands A Trail By Combat (Season 4, Episode 6)
Tyrion has some of the best moments in Game of Thrones. I thrive off of his witty comments and advice, but one of his most shocking moments is that speech in Season 4. While on trial for the death of Joffrey, he is accused of several different acts he did not commit, but he knows he will not be served justice. Instead, he demands a trial by combat, a scene still chilling, shocking, and so much more to this day – powered by Peter Dinklage's fantastic performance.
Shireen's Painful Burning (Season 5, Episode 9)
Shireen's death hit the hardest out of all the Game of Thrones side characters. She was just a young girl who wanted to see the world, and her father put her to death because of what Melisandre told him. She burned at the stake, screaming for him. It's still disheartening and sad to watch, even years later. And it's just as shocking.
Oberyn Martell Vs The Mountain (Season 4, Episode 8)
While Pedro Pascal's best movies and TV shows have certainly expanded since his time on Game of Thrones, his last battle as Oberyn Martell is about as shocking as you can get. We don't need to get into specifics because we all know how it ended – but it was undoubtedly eye-popping.
Okay, the pun is done; I apologize.
Jaime Loses His Hand (Season 3, Episode 3)
When you think about it, Jaime losing his hand is a lot more shocking. He tried to utilize his status and name to free himself and Brienne, and in turn, it took away the one thing he's mainly known for—his battling skulls with a sword. Of course, years later, he learns how to wield one with his fake hand, but it is still so shocking to see.
Daenerys Is Killed By Jon (Season 8, Episode 6)
Yeah, the Game of Thrones finale can burn somewhere with the Iron Throne because I hated seeing Jon kill Daenerys and will forever gasp and cry at her limp body. This shocking moment can go somewhere else – even if I can't escape it.
Bran Becomes The King Of Westeros (Season 8, Episode 6)
Do I even need to talk about this? Whoever would have expected "Bran the Broken" to become King? Get out of here – several years later, and I'm still shocked and upset about it.
While the Game of Thrones cast might have moved on to other projects, I'll never forget this show and the shocking moments it gave me. And now, I'll rewatch Game of Thrones repeatedly, even if it breaks my heart and shatters my soul a little more each time.
A self-proclaimed nerd and lover of Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, Alexandra Ramos is a Content Producer at CinemaBlend. She first started off working in December 2020 as a Freelance Writer after graduating from the Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in English. She primarily works in features for movies, TV, and sometimes video games. (Please don't debate her on The Last of Us 2, it was amazing!) She is also the main person who runs both our daily newsletter, The CinemaBlend Daily, and our ReelBlend newsletter.