32 Hilarious Ricky Gervais Quotes
Ricky Gervais has been making us laugh – or making us angry – for years.

Ricky Gervais became a worldwide star when he wrote and starred in The Office on the BBC. He's gone on to host award shows, do his stand-up around the world, and of course star in other shows like Extras and The Ricky Gervais radio show and podcast. Here are just a few of the times he's made us laugh over the years.
When people say to me: would you rather be thought of as a funny man or a great boss? My answer's always the same, to me, they're not mutually exclusive. - The Office
When Ricky Gervais dies, the first line of this obituary will be about The Office on BBC. Not only did it become a massive hit in the English-speaking world, it spawned different versions in at least 14 different countries. All the variations feature a cringe-worthy boss, but none are as cringy as Gervais' David Brent.
Are you having a laugh? - Extras
Gervais' second hit show, Extras, he basically plays the straight-man to everyone else in the show. He does get a few moments where he gets to shine however, including repeating the line that becomes the catchphrase on his fictional sitcom "When the Whistle Blows." He hates it, but it's funny every time.
The Hollywood Foreign press have warned me that if I offend any of you, or them, or cause any controversy at all, they'll definitely invite me back next year - The Golden Globes
Ricky Gervais has hosted the Golden Globes five times, most recently in 2020. It's a job he seems to hate, yet keeps returning to. He's also said something controversial almost every time.
Karl Pilkington is an ongoing project for me, because I've seen him blossom from an idiot into an imbecile. - The Ricky Gervais Show
Gervais and his writing partner Stephen Merchant were pioneers in the world of podcasting and the biggest reason the show was an instant hit is producer Karl Pilkington, who Gervais can't help but needle constantly.
Remember, Mondays are fine. It's your life that sucks - Twitter
Gervais is also well known for his Twitter/X presence. He's often controversial, and often called to task for his blunt honesty and hot takes. This one is on the lighter side.
You just have to accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue. - The Office
David Brent has an interesting outlook on life. Sometimes things are great, and sometimes things are not. Get used to it.
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She must be pleased with how you turned out - The Ricky Gervais Show
As always, Karl Pilkington is the butt of most of Gervais' jokes on the podcast. Pilkington is a good guy, did he really have to go after his mother like this? It's exactly what you would expect.
It's either Starsky or Hutch, I can never remember. - Extras
One of the few times Gervais' actually gets to get his own jokes in on Extras. While on set with Ben Stiller (playing himself), he asks if Gervais' character knows who he is, and his reply drives Stiller crazy.
Just looking at the faces here reminds me of all the great work that's been done this year by cosmetic surgeons. - The Golden Globes
One of the things Gervais is most known for is his brutal takedowns of the stars at the Golden Globes. This is one of the nicer things he's said, but it's still pretty perfect.
I do see a doctor once a year or once every two years. I have to have medicals for things like this and TV shows, and, they do everything. And you have to fill out this big form, write a lifestyle thing. I tell the truth, except units of alcohol. I work those out, then I halve them, right? - Stand Up
In his stand-up act, he usually tries to tell some hard truths about all of us. For example, is anyone truly honest on the intake forms at a doctor's office? We all fudge a little, usually about how much we actually drink. Right? ...Right?
Nothing is funnier than Karl in a corner being poked by a stick. I am that stick. - An Idiot Abroad
An Idiot Abroad is one of the funniest shows of the last 20 years, though it's mostly due to the brilliance (or ignorance) of Karl Pilkington. It is, however, Ricky Gervais who puts Pilkington into the situations that drive the star of the show nuts.
Well, there's good news and bad news. The bad news is that Neil will be taking over both branches, and some of you will lose your jobs. Those of you who are kept on will have to relocate to Swindon, if you wanna stay. I know, gutting. On a more positive note, the good news is, I've been promoted. So, every cloud... You're still thinking about the bad news, aren't you? - The Office
David Brent likes to be as popular as possible, but he has not tact and no sympathy for anyone. Even though he wants to be the "cool" boss, it's quotes like this that show just how awful he truly is.
Be happy. It really annoys negative people. - Twitter
This is both funny and true. Very true. Especially on Twitter/X, which is a truly awful place filled with the most negative people you can ever imagine. Sometimes Gervais is one of them, sometimes, he's taking a shot at them.
I know someone who is an alchoholic and it is no laughing matter - particularly for his wife. And she's got alopecia. So... not a happy homelife. - The Office
Let's be honest, David Brent is actually the worst person on earth. Some serial killers might be nicer and more situationally aware in social settings than Brent. It's what makes the show so great.
You seen all the ghost hunter shows? Oh my God, hundreds of ghost hunter shows. Years and years. Celebrity Ghost Hunter. All around the world, thousands and thousands of hours of footage, they’ve never seen a ghost. Not one.
Gervais is a dedicated atheist, some would even say militant. He's often been in trouble for his views, as he takes a hard stand against all religions. Even the non-religious who believe in life after death face his wrath.
Because Karl, I thought is y'know, is this sort of sweet, little buffoon... almost childlike in his ways, I mean like Charlie Brown, after some sort of...head injury - The Ricky Gervais Show
Karl Pilkington is either the dumbest man alive or the smartest. Sometimes he's both. It's what makes him so funny and it's what makes Gervais both laugh riotously at him and get so frustrated with him. Like a head injury.
People see me, and they see the suit, and they go: "you're not fooling anyone", they know I'm rock and roll through and through. But you know that old thing, live fast, die young? Not my way. Live fast, sure, live too fast sometimes, but die young? Die old. - The Office
David Brent spends most of his time in both seasons of The Office trying to convince everyone that he is cool. He's not cool, he's whatever the opposite of cool is, most of the time. He's not fooling anyone, trust us.
Kevin Hart was fired from the Oscars for offensive tweets. Hello? - The Golden Globes
This quote kind of sums up everything about Ricky Gervais' job as Golden Globe host. Offensive tweets are very much part of his brand. He's good at them and they often get him in trouble. They don't seem to get him fired from the award show though, even if, at times, he seems to want them to.
I'm all for ending famine, as long as it doesn't affect me in the slightest. - Stand Up
Gervais is well aware of his selfish reputation and he loves to play it up for laughs. Mostly, he's all for solving the world's problems, so long as that doesn't change his life in any way whatsoever. On some level you have to appreciate the honesty, right?
Ohhh, no one could ever think you don't know what you're doing, that you're a total waste of space and shouldn't even be in the industry. - Extras
Gervais' longtime writing partner, Stephen Merchant, plays his agent Darren on Extras and Darren is really bad at his job. Like, really bad. He's not very bright, he loves to take no for an answer, and his main goal in life seems to be angering Gervais' character, Andy. Darren gets most of the funniest lines on the show, while Andy only gets them occasionally, like this one.
Some people are intimidated when talking to large numbers of people in an entertaining way. Not me. - The Office
David Brent loves to be the center of attention at all times. Whether it's in a one-on-one conversation, playing his guitar for the office, or making presentations to large groups. He's equally poor at all three as well.
I'm just sick of these celebrities, living their life out in the open all the time. Why would you do that? It's like these pop stars who choose the perfect moment to go into rehab. They call their publicist before they call a taxi! And then they come out and they do their second autobiography. - Extras
Although this quote was taken from Extras, it might as well be straight from Ricky Gervais' Twitter feed or his stand-up act. It's dripping with the resentment he loves to highlight in everything he does. He's not wrong this time, either.
It's a man's game. - The Office
In a show full of uncomfortable moments, one of the worst moments in The Office comes after David does a very creepy interview with a job candidate he finds attractive, then, like a 4th grader, pretends to play soccer (or football) around her and head-butts her straight in the nose, on purpose. Because it's a "man's game."
Do commandos not wear pants? - Stand Up
Okay, this is a great question. If you don't know what "going commando" means, well, it means not wearing undergarments, or "pants" as the Brits would say. And why did that become the term? It's a mystery.
You're one of the unlucky ones. Or one of the lucky ones. - The Office
David Brent is especially bad when he's delivering bad news. He's just the worst kind of manager. Just rip the band-aid off! If someone is getting fired, just fire him, don't try to make things better, you won't especially like this.
Some of you seem to have got off on the wrong foot with me. You didn't like some of the jokes I told earlier. You've got to chill out, yeah, trust me, this is what I do, alright? You will never work in a place like this again. This is brilliant. Fact. And you will never have another boss like me. Someone who's basically a chilled out entertainer. - The Office
On top of everything else, David Brent is incredibly insensitive and offensive in almost everywhere. There's nothing "chilled out" about him at all. And he's entertaining no one. Except us at home, but we're laughing at him.
[Karl's] had a call recently asking him if he's got any ideas for movies. Now how desperate - in what dire straights must the British film industry be in - that they need Karl Pilkington? - Ricky Gervais
Okay, this is honestly one of the funniest things ever, if you understand the film industry and Karl Pilkington. What Gervais is saying on the podcast isn't even comedy, it's just the truth and it's hilarious. One of his best moments in the whole podcast.
A little word I think's important in management called morale. - The Office
Morale is an important word in management, David is correct about that. What he's wrong about is...well... everything else. Including his ability to build morale. He has none.
If you do get a hair in there, he just gets it out with his big sausage fingers. - Extras
Even though he's the lowest on the totem pole, Andy, playing an extra in a movie, still finds time to berate the craft services guy cooking him his lunch. Gervais is a master at playing a jerk.
You’ve seen how I react to people, make them feel good, make them think that anything’s possible. If I make them laugh along the way, sue me. And I don’t do it so they turn round and go "Thank you David for the opportunity, thank you for the wisdom, thank you for the laughs." I do it so, one day, someone will go "There goes David Brent. I must remember to thank him." - The Office
David Brent is delusional completely and utterly so. No one wants to be around him, much less praise him. It's brilliant writing and delivery, so good that when you watch The Office you don't know if you hate David Brent or Ricky Gervais, or both.
It's going to be a night of partying and heavy drinking, or as Charlie Sheen calls it, 'breakfast'. - The Golden Globes
No celebrity is safe with Ricky Gervais around, even when the star in question isn't even in the room. This is a little bit of a cheap shot at Charlie Sheen's expense, but there was a time when Sheen was so off the rails, that he needed a little tough comedic love and Gervais delivered.
A philosopher once wrote you need three things to have a good life. One, a meaningful relationship, two, a decent job of work, and three, to make a difference. And it was always that third one that stressed me, to make a difference. - The Office
The wisdom of David Brent. Do as he says, not as he does, because he doesn't have any meaningful relationships, he doesn't do a good job at work, so who cares if it's a decent job, and he'll never make a difference in any good way. We should all be grateful we don't work for him.
And that, in the end, is what Gervais is so great at, whether as an actor or a comedic, he plays the role of the jerk as well as anyone ever has and if you're not in on it, you're sure to be offended. He doesn't care.
Hugh Scott is the Syndication Editor for CinemaBlend. Before CinemaBlend, he was the managing editor for Suggest.com and Gossipcop.com, covering celebrity news and debunking false gossip. He has been in the publishing industry for almost two decades, covering pop culture – movies and TV shows, especially – with a keen interest and love for Gen X culture, the older influences on it, and what it has since inspired. He graduated from Boston University with a degree in Political Science but cured himself of the desire to be a politician almost immediately after graduation.