What Happens On Jeopardy! When Ken Jennings Flubs A Clue? A BTS Bloopers Video Shows Us Exactly What

Screenshot of Ken Jennings pointing to the game board with his thumb on Jeopardy!
(Image credit: Jeopardy YouTube)

Getting something wrong on Jeopardy! doesn't tend to be a huge deal, since it usually happens multiple times an episode, , and can very often factor into some highly dramatic finishes. Fans have watched quite a bit of incorrectnes already in Season 41but that's only speaking about the various contestants and champs that have appeared. What about when Ken Jennings messes up?

As the most prolific victor amongst Jeopardy!'s biggest winners of all time, Jennings isn't exactly known for botching things on the game show's iconic set. But a new behind-the-scenes video proves behind a shadow of a doubt that Jennings is just as fallible as the rest of us, at least for one single publicized instance. Check it out!

Giving the Fall TV schedule some triva-infused fun, Jeopardy! kicked off its historic 41st season with traditional episodes following the tournament overload criticisms of yesteryear, and it marked Ken Jennings' first seasonal start as the game show's solo host. (Mayim Bialik seemingly teased a return, but that's still a mystery.) Amusingly enough, the streak machine didn't make it through recording two week's worth of new episodes before the unwitting flub above.

Tell 'Em, Yogesh

Yogesh Raut telling anecdote to Ken Jennings during Jeopardy Masters

(Image credit: Jeopardy YouTube)

'It's A Little Weird': Jeopardy Champ Yogesh Raut Hilariously Defends His Buzzer Technique After All The Critiques From Fans

For those unable to watch, Jennings read too much of a clue for the category "Completes The Song Titles" by giving the answer away. Instead of leaving the color out of the Rolling Stones hit, the host blurted out "'Paint it Black' and 'Back to...'" before realizing the error of his ways. Back to black, but also back to clue limbo for that one.

Jeopardy! champions who turned into celebrities and then became replacement hosts: they're just like us.

The show also posted a video of the rundown of clues in that category that DID make it to air, due to the all-around lack of goofs involved.

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Here's hoping nobody uses this fun video as proof of a conspiracy theory that Ken Jennings is being replaced by Colin Jost, the SNL star who has been tapped to head up Pop Culture Jeopardy! whenever it hits the 2024 TV schedule for those with Amazon Prime subscriptions.

It's unclear at this point whether or not Prime Video will be the game show's new streaming home for its syndicated episodes. Fans were a tad perturbed when the show's dedicated channel was removed from Pluto TV over the summer (as was Wheel of Fortune's), though it was teased that changes were coming, and executive producer Michael Davies confirmed that talks are currently ongoing with various streaming services to give Jeopardy! fans the chance for next-day viewing without DVR.

While I can't say I'm hoping for Ken Jennings to flub more clues in the future, I do like candid videos like these that give viewers a look at the kinds of moments studio audiences and contestants are far more privy to.

Nick Venable
Assistant Managing Editor

Nick is a Cajun Country native and an Assistant Managing Editor with a focus on TV and features. His humble origin story with CinemaBlend began all the way back in the pre-streaming era, circa 2009, as a freelancing DVD reviewer and TV recapper.  Nick leapfrogged over to the small screen to cover more and more television news and interviews, eventually taking over the section for the current era and covering topics like Yellowstone, The Walking Dead and horror. Born in Louisiana and currently living in Texas — Who Dat Nation over America’s Team all day, all night — Nick spent several years in the hospitality industry, and also worked as a 911 operator. If you ever happened to hear his music or read his comics/short stories, you have his sympathy.